Release blockers for KStars Lite (Android version)

Akarsh Simha akarshsimha at
Tue Oct 11 05:40:25 UTC 2016


This is a list of bugs that I think we should fix in KStars Lite
before we make a release on play store. Unfortunately, I'm not
familiar with the toolchain and with QML in general, so it would be of
great help if someone else (esp Artem) could fix 2 -- 4.

1. Disable Messier object image display.

In fact, we should do this in the full desktop version of KStars as
well, because these images are not rotated and scaled correctly.

(I'll go ahead and disable this in the next few hours, since it is
regular KStars' code which I'm familiar with)

2. When we set the color scheme to "Night vision", the panels are
still bright and have a white background.

3. Setting the location via GPS requires to add a city. This interface
is somewhat counter-intuitive.

4. When we do an internet resolution to find an object in KStars Lite,
the object is not automatically centered like it is for objects that
are already in the database.

Here are a list that we should eventually deal with, are not urgent,
and should not affect our releasing:

1. Improve NGC/IC loading

This is a larger undertaking, and I think the best solution is to
shift NGC/IC to a SQLite database as opposed to dealing with text

2. Use Accelerometer / Mangetometer / Qt Sensors


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