
Greg Roberts grr at
Mon Nov 28 13:08:03 UTC 2016

Good afternoon

I have just joined this group after "discovering" the latest version of 
kstars - windows version and am quite impressed with it. I have played 
with earlier versions of kstars in Linux but am a novice with that 
operating system, so I will only be dealing with windows.

I am not sure if this is the correct place to mention problems or 
suggestions for improvements so first want to confirm this before I let 

Some background - I am a retired professional astronomer in which field 
I worked for about 35 years. I started Astronomy as a hobby in 1947-1948 
and I still do it now, but have deviated somewhat into concentrating on 
the tracking of classified artificial earth satellites and it is in this 
area that I have some comments re the use of kstars.     Although I have 
done programming in my time it was basically Fortran and since then 
advanced versions of BASIC so I do not think Ill be much use in this 
field so any contributions from me will be "bugs" and "suggestions".

Thanks for reading this.



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