[kstars] kstars: Using pixmaps to represent visible vs non-visible satellites. The pixmap does not scale with zoom level but that is intentional as we are not trying

Jasem Mutlaq mutlaqja at ikarustech.com
Thu Dec 1 15:47:59 UTC 2016

Git commit e84b029e0c75beba42a3f998216962ab94b94635 by Jasem Mutlaq.
Committed on 01/12/2016 at 15:45.
Pushed by mutlaqja into branch 'master'.

Using pixmaps to represent visible vs non-visible satellites. The pixmap does not scale with zoom level but that is intentional as we are not trying
to plot angular extent of the satellite, only that it's there.
CCMAIL:kstars-devel at kde.org

A  +62   -0    kstars/data/icons/breeze/default/kstars_satellites_invisible.svg
A  +62   -0    kstars/data/icons/breeze/default/kstars_satellites_visible.svg
M  +2    -0    kstars/data/kstars.qrc
M  +10   -4    kstars/skyqpainter.cpp


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diff --git a/kstars/data/kstars.qrc b/kstars/data/kstars.qrc
index 40dd14f..70d0946 100644
--- a/kstars/data/kstars.qrc
+++ b/kstars/data/kstars.qrc
@@ -126,6 +126,8 @@
+        <file>icons/breeze/default/kstars_satellites_invisible.svg</file>
+        <file>icons/breeze/default/kstars_satellites_visible.svg</file>
     <qresource prefix="/kconfig">
diff --git a/kstars/skyqpainter.cpp b/kstars/skyqpainter.cpp
index 3df31b6..b09a122 100644
--- a/kstars/skyqpainter.cpp
+++ b/kstars/skyqpainter.cpp
@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ namespace {
     // These pixmaps are never deallocated. Not really good...
     QPixmap* imageCache[nSPclasses][nStarSizes] = {{0}};
+    QPixmap  *visibleSatPixmap=0, *invisibleSatPixmap=0;
 int SkyQPainter::starColorMode = 0;
@@ -225,6 +227,9 @@ void SkyQPainter::initStarImages()
     starColorMode = Options::starColorMode();
+    visibleSatPixmap = new QPixmap(":/icons/breeze/default/kstars_satellites_visible.svg");
+    invisibleSatPixmap = new QPixmap(":/icons/breeze/default/kstars_satellites_invisible.svg");
 void SkyQPainter::drawSkyLine(SkyPoint* a, SkyPoint* b)
@@ -815,14 +820,15 @@ bool SkyQPainter::drawSatellite( Satellite* sat )
         if ( sat->isVisible() )
-            setPen( KStarsData::Instance()->colorScheme()->colorNamed( "VisibleSatColor" ) );
+            drawPixmap(QPoint( pos.x() - 15, pos.y() - 11 ), *visibleSatPixmap);
-            setPen( KStarsData::Instance()->colorScheme()->colorNamed( "SatColor" ) );
+            drawPixmap(QPoint( pos.x() - 15, pos.y() - 11 ), *invisibleSatPixmap);
-        drawLine( QPoint( pos.x() - 0.5, pos.y() - 0.5 ), QPoint( pos.x() + 0.5, pos.y() - 0.5 ) );
+        //drawPixmap(pos, *genericSatPixmap);
+        /*drawLine( QPoint( pos.x() - 0.5, pos.y() - 0.5 ), QPoint( pos.x() + 0.5, pos.y() - 0.5 ) );
         drawLine( QPoint( pos.x() + 0.5, pos.y() - 0.5 ), QPoint( pos.x() + 0.5, pos.y() + 0.5 ) );
         drawLine( QPoint( pos.x() + 0.5, pos.y() + 0.5 ), QPoint( pos.x() - 0.5, pos.y() + 0.5 ) );
-        drawLine( QPoint( pos.x() - 0.5, pos.y() + 0.5 ), QPoint( pos.x() - 0.5, pos.y() - 0.5 ) );
+        drawLine( QPoint( pos.x() - 0.5, pos.y() + 0.5 ), QPoint( pos.x() - 0.5, pos.y() - 0.5 ) );*/
     return true;

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