Can I merge branch dso_resolver into master?

Akarsh Simha akarshsimha at
Wed Aug 17 07:15:04 UTC 2016


I'm writing to ask if I can merge the dso_resolver branch (which
allows for seamless query to CDS Sesame through the Find Dialog) into

The risks are of course that this might introduce more bugs. I have
seen this crash, but nothing is reproducible, so maybe the conditions
have been fixed or maybe not. As far as I can tell, it works fine in
"regular" use. It also means more QA work.

The benefits are that this is a very useful feature (at least for me),
and partially works around the catalog problem by making those objects
that are not in catalogs we support available within KStars. It would
be great if this were included in the next release (esp. Windows).

The other implication results from my modifications to the find
dialog, which means Artem might need to modify his work to adjust for
this. In any case, something has to be done, so it might be better to
merge earlier so that we don't diverge too much on the find dialog


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