[Kstars-devel] Re: OpenGL branch merged!

Henry de Valence hdevalence at gmail.com
Sun Oct 17 18:50:25 CEST 2010

On 17 October 2010 03:10, Akarsh Simha <akarshsimha at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> After much suffering, mostly because I didn't RTFM, the OpenGL branch
> is merged into trunk, in working shape. I'm just doing the last test,
> to see if I can re-checkout the branch and build it, to ensure that no
> files are missing on trunk. Sorry for all those false commits. Wasn't
> doing the right thing.
> The first thing that you'll notice after you've successfully gotten
> the extra dependencies and built KStars, is that there's no Skymap!
> The reason for this is a Qt bug (IIRC), wherein widget overlays don't
> work as they are advertised. Go to the menu and turn off the InfoBoxes
> and voila!

This is actually because you can't overlay non-GL widgets over GL widgets.
This problem is related to the problem about switching between the GL
painting and the non-GL painting which I described in an earlier mail
to the mailing list (OpenGL Update). I don't know how to solve the
problem described in that mail.

> You'll see a Skymap. The first good thing you'll notice about the
> skymap, is that it's a lot faster with GL.

It's still slower than it could be, however. There are a few changes
that could increase performance without much work; beyond that major
changes would be required.

> The next thing you'll
> notice (if you run it during day) is that the Sun is drawn as a blue
> star :D.

Also, the GL painter doesn't work properly with star colours. This is
a (not trivial, but not very hard either) fixable regression; I have
an idea of how to fix it.

> There are quite a lot of bugs here. I hope team KStars finds some time
> to deal with those bugs and swat them dead before KDE 4.6 release; or
> we must be prepared to hear a lot of complaints from our users!
> Luckily for me, this semester at grad school isn't very bad, so I
> should at least find enough time to merge in the star-hopping feature
> that I bragged about here two days ago.
> I invite everyone who has some time to spare on this mailing list, to
> shun FUD and start contributing whatever is possible, at least during
> this critical phase, until we get into good shape for KDE 4.6.

I'll try to get my computer into a workable state so I can help fix
things (this is, incidentally, why the merge was done by Akarsh and
not me) but I don't have much free time; this semester is a lot of

Harry de Valence

> Regards
> Akarsh
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