[Kstars-devel] Fwd: [kde-edu]: GSoC ideas

Jérôme SONRIER jsid at emor3j.fr.eu.org
Thu Feb 25 00:11:32 CET 2010

Le mardi 23 février 2010, Médéric Boquien a écrit :
> Perhaps the possibility to overplot astronomical images on the sky
> with various levels of transparency. A bit like what Aladin or ds9
> can do.

Hello everybody,

I currently work on that. I use cfistio to read FITS files and libast to 
calculate coordinates from FITS header. For now, I can open FITS files 
with multiple extensions, and for all HDU in the file, I can display 
images on the map, using different color maps if it's an image HDU, or 
show table if it's a bintable or asciitable HDU. I also made an 
histogram where we can play with colors.
Before making a patch to show you the result, I need to make some 
optimizations and clean the code.



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