[Kstars-devel] A short mockup of my GSoC ideas.

Akarsh Simha akarshsimha at gmail.com
Fri May 8 00:27:51 CEST 2009

> When I point my telescope or a Binocular at an Object, I'd prefer to
> see how the FOV looks like right ? What I want to do is, for a given
> object and equipment, show the FOV around it.

That's right. But KStars already does that right?

> I'm going to provide functionality for the user to open FindDalog from
> within the Observing list anyway. Why I want to add a "Add to list"
> option in FindDialog is for increasing the usability. If I'm planning
> an observation session and I have a few objects in mind, I'd prefer if
> I can simply do a Ctrl + F , type name and click add to list. That OK?

Maybe you could have shortcut keys like the ones in the Konqueror
address bar.

Let's say "add:Object name" will add the object to observing list.

Or maybe we should invent a separate KStars command bar for this (like
Cartes' quick search). I'll work on that :)

> > What exactly do you want to do with INDI?
> Well, I'd like Observing list to provide functionality to :
> 1. Show where the telescope is currently pointing at.
> 2. Slew to any object in the list.
> 3. If the telescope is anyway connected, I'd also prefer to have the
> telescope type automatically selected in the Observing logs part.

Sorry, hadn't read this till now.
Nice. I particularly liked 3.

> > I'll do some homework here and find out how feasible the COMAST XML
> > schema is.
> That would be really helpful. Thanks.



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