[Kstars-devel] A short mockup of my GSoC ideas.

Akarsh Simha akarshsimha at gmail.com
Tue May 5 23:04:21 CEST 2009

Hi Prakash

> Some Changes I've planned :
> Observing list :
> Add Rise and Set times. -> Should not be any trouble.


> Add a filter by type. -> Similar implementation like FindDialog.

I don't see why this is required, if you provide 'sort by type'
feature. If you have a filter by type, the user is seeing a part of
his observing list, whereas 'sort by type' shows him the entire list
without any loss of ease, IMO.

> Observing logs :
> Create a QGroupBox kinda thingi to make it user friendly. -> It'll look
> something like http://doc.trolltech.com/4.4/images/parent-child-widgets.png
> Store the logs in a meaningful format.

In the backends, this would probably be a good XML format, with
structures for Describing equipment (telescopes, eyepieces...),
observing sites and observing "sessions".

> Widgets of :
> AltVsTime -> Need to investigate further on the crash. Seems like its
> a widget already!
> A click on this should take to the man AVT window.

You probably meant "main AVT window" ;-). It's good news that AVT is a

> IMO :  I'll have to create a new AVT widget which just plots the graph
> and provide a wrapper window for using the existant tool/call it for
> inclusion in Obslist.

Right. I suggest you separate the plotter bit of AVT and make a widget
out of it. You could then embed this into the avtUI widget.

> SkyCalendar
> I'm thinking of making this tool functional to all objects, so I need
> to see if this  :
> 1. Feasible
> 2. Generalize if it can be done
> 3. Add filters, etc.
> -- Basically a lot of work to be done, which is not exactly related to the GSoC
> but needs to be done to make the SkyCalendar a non-redundant and useful tool.
> What should I do about this ?

Hmm... This sounds like a good idea. Although rise and set times are
relatively straightforward for deep-sky objects in comparison to
planets, it will be a useful tool to have. I don't know how one would
go about doing this, though. ISTM that it almost amounts to having to
re-write SkyCalendar - if this is the case, you might want to keep
this for later. I'll take a look at the code and see if I'm talking

(It would also be a nice idea to display conjunctions in the sky

> DSS Image
> - Research not done yet.

This one should be simple, but rather useful. Ideally, we should have
a facility to cache the images of all objects in the observing list on
the harddisk, so that when I take my laptop to the field for instance,
I can always see if I've found a supernova in a galaxy, or it's just
some old Milky Way star.

> FOV tool
> - Research not done yet.

What exactly do you want to do with the FOV tool?

> Changes to Existing tools,
> "Add to Observing list" button in :
> 1. WUT
> 2. Conjunctions tool
Good idea. 

> 3. FindDialog -> To make things easier for me | Increase Usability.

I still think it should be the other way round - I must be able to add
object to observing list from the Observing List dialog. Having an add
object to observing list in the find dialog feels out-of-place for me,
but that's okay.

> Is it necessary to add it in all these places ?
> Buttons to be added within the list
> 1. Conjunctions
> 2. FindDialog
> 3. WutDialog

This sounds okay. IIUC, you suggest that we add the facility to invoke
these dialogs from the Observing List dialog. Fine.


What exactly do you want to do with INDI?

> Storage format for logs

I'll do some homework here and find out how feasible the COMAST XML
schema is.


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