[Kstars-devel] Saturn moons patch .. I forgot to add some files earlier

Vipul Kumar Singh vipulkrsingh at gmail.com
Sun Mar 22 14:47:59 CET 2009

Sorry that some files were missing in the last patch.

This patch contains all 4 new files and other changes.

Index: kstars/skyobjects/saturnmoons.cpp
--- kstars/skyobjects/saturnmoons.cpp	(revision 0)
+++ kstars/skyobjects/saturnmoons.cpp	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+                          saturnmoons.cpp  -  description
+                             -------------------
+    begin                : Sat Mar 13 2009
+                             : by Vipul Kumar Singh
+    email                : vipulkrsingh at gmail.com
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ *                                                                         *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ *                                                                         *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "saturnmoons.h"
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include "ksnumbers.h"
+#include "ksplanet.h"
+#include "kssun.h"
+#include "trailobject.h"
+    //Initialize the Moon objects.  The magnitude data are from the
+    //wikipedia articles for each moon, as of Mar 2009.
+    Moon.append( new TrailObject( SkyObject::MOON, 0.0, 0.0, 12.9,
i18nc( "Saturn's moon Mimas", "Mimas" ) ) );
+    Moon.append( new TrailObject( SkyObject::MOON, 0.0, 0.0, 11.7,
i18nc( "Saturn's moon Enceladus", "Enceladus" ) ) );
+    Moon.append( new TrailObject( SkyObject::MOON, 0.0, 0.0, 10.2,
i18nc( "Saturn's moon Tethys", "Tethys" ) ) );
+    Moon.append( new TrailObject( SkyObject::MOON, 0.0, 0.0, 10.4,
i18nc( "Saturn's moon Dione", "Dione" ) ) );
+    Moon.append( new TrailObject( SkyObject::MOON, 0.0, 0.0, 10,
i18nc( "Saturn's moon Rheas", "Rhea" ) ) );
+    Moon.append( new TrailObject( SkyObject::MOON, 0.0, 0.0, 7.9,
i18nc( "Saturn's moon Titan", "Titan" ) ) );
+    Moon.append( new TrailObject( SkyObject::MOON, 0.0, 0.0, 14.9,
i18nc( "Saturn's moon Hyperion", "Hyperion" ) ) );
+    Moon.append( new TrailObject( SkyObject::MOON, 0.0, 0.0, 11,
i18nc( "Saturn's moon Lapetus", "Lapetus" ) ) );
+    for ( uint i=0; i<8; ++i ) {
+        XS[i] = 0.0;
+        YS[i] = 0.0;
+        ZS[i] = 0.0;
+    }
+    qDeleteAll( Moon );
+QString SaturnMoons::name( int id ) const {
+    return Moon[id]->translatedName();
+TrailObject* SaturnMoons::moonNamed( const QString &name ) const {
+    for ( uint i=0; i<8; ++i ) {
+        if ( Moon[i]->name() == name ) {
+            return Moon[i];
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+void SaturnMoons::EquatorialToHorizontal( const dms *LST, const dms *lat ) {
+    for ( uint i=0; i<8; ++i )
+        moon(i)->EquatorialToHorizontal( LST, lat );
+void SaturnMoons::HelperSubroutine(double e, double lambdadash,
double p, double a, double omega, double i, double c1, double s1,
double& r, double& lambda, double& gamma, double& w)
+  double e2 = e*e;
+  double e3 = e2*e;
+  double e4 = e3*e;
+  double e5 = e4*e;
+  double M = (lambdadash - p)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double Crad = (2*e - 0.25*e3 + 0.0520833333*e5)*sin(M) +
+             (1.25*e2 - 0.458333333*e4)*sin(2*M) +
+             (1.083333333*e3 - 0.671875*e5)*sin(3*M) +
+             1.072917*e4*sin(4*M) + 1.142708*e5*sin(5*M);
+  double C = (Crad)/(dms::DegToRad);
+  r = a*(1 - e2)/(1 + e*cos(M + Crad));
+  double g = omega - 168.8112;
+  double grad = (g)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double irad = (i)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double a1 = sin(irad)*sin(grad);
+  double a2 = c1*sin(irad)*cos(grad) - s1*cos(irad);
+  gamma = (asin(sqrt(a1*a1 + a2*a2)))/(dms::DegToRad);
+  double urad = atan2(a1, a2);
+  double u = (urad)/(dms::DegToRad);
+  w = MapTo0To360Range(168.8112 + u);
+  double h = c1*sin(irad) - s1*cos(irad)*cos(grad);
+  double psirad = atan2(s1*sin(grad), h);
+  double psi = (psirad)/(dms::DegToRad);
+  lambda = lambdadash + C + u - g - psi;
+void SaturnMoons::findPosition( const KSNumbers *num, const KSPlanet
*Saturn, const KSSun *Sun ) {
+    double Xs, Ys, Zs, Rs;
+    double sinJB, cosJB, sinJL, cosJL;
+    double sinSB, cosSB, sinSL, cosSL;
+    double D, t, tdelay, LAMBDA, ALPHA;
+    double l=0;
+    //double T, oj, fj, ij, pa, tb, I, P;
+    //double l1, l2, l3, l4, p1, p2, p3, p4, G, fl, z, Gj, Gs, Pj;
+    //L/B = true longitude/latitude of satellites
+    //double S1, S2, S3, S4, L1, L2, L3, L4, b1, b2, b3, b4, R1, R2, R3, R4;
+    double X[9], Y[9], Z[9];
+    double A1[9], B1[9], C1[9];
+    double A2[9], B2[9], C2[9];
+    double A3[9], B3[9], C3[9];
+    double A4[9], B4[9], C4[9];
+    double A5[9], B5[9], C5[9];
+    double A6[9], B6[9], C6[9];
+    Saturn->ecLong()->SinCos( sinJL, cosJL );
+    Saturn->ecLat()->SinCos( sinJB, cosJB );
+    Sun->ecLong()->SinCos( sinSL, cosSL );
+    Sun->ecLat()->SinCos( sinSB, cosSB );
+    //Geocentric Rectangular coordinates of Saturn:
+    Xs = Saturn->rsun() * cosJB *cosJL + Sun->rsun() * cosSL;
+    Ys = Saturn->rsun() * cosJB *sinJL + Sun->rsun() * sinSL;
+    Zs = Saturn->rsun() * sinJB;
+    //Distance and light-travel delay time:
+    //0.0057755183 is the inverse of the speed of light, in days/AU
+    Rs = sqrt(Xs*Xs +Ys*Ys + Zs*Zs );
+    tdelay = 0.0057755183*Rs;  //light travel delay, in days
+    LAMBDA = atan2(Ys, Xs);
+    ALPHA = atan2( Zs, sqrt( Xs*Xs + Ys*Ys ) );
+    //days since 10 Aug 1976 0h (minus light-travel delay)
+    t = num->julianDay() - tdelay;
+	double t1=t-2411093.0;
+	double t2=t1/365.25;
+	double t3=((t-2433282.423)/365.25)+1950.0;
+	double t4=t-2411368.0;
+	double t5=t4/365.25;
+	double t6=t-2415020.0;
+	double t7=t6/36525.0;
+	double t8=t6/365.25;
+	double t9=(t-2442000.5)/365.25;
+	double t10=t-2409786.0;
+	double t11=t10/36525.0;
+	double t112=t11*t11;
+	double t113=t112*t11;
+    //Longitudes of the satellites' nodes on the equatorial plane of Jupiter
+         double W0 = MapTo0To360Range(5.095*(t3 - 1866.39));
+	double W0rad = MapTo0To360Range(5.095*(t3 - 1866.39))*dms::DegToRad;
+        double W1 = MapTo0To360Range(74.4- 32.39*t2);
+	double W1rad = MapTo0To360Range(74.4- 32.39*t2)*dms::DegToRad;
+	double W2 = MapTo0To360Range(134.3 - 92.62*t2);
+	double W2rad = MapTo0To360Range(134.3 - 92.62*t2)*dms::DegToRad;
+    	double W3 = MapTo0To360Range(42.0 - 0.5118*t5);
+	double W3rad = MapTo0To360Range(42.0 - 0.5118*t5)*dms::DegToRad;
+	double W4 = MapTo0To360Range(276.59 - 0.5118*t5);
+	double W4rad = MapTo0To360Range(276.59 - 0.5118*t5)*dms::DegToRad;
+	double W5 = MapTo0To360Range(267.2635- 1222.1136*t7);
+	double W5rad = MapTo0To360Range(267.2635- 1222.1136*t7)*dms::DegToRad;
+	double W6 = MapTo0To360Range(175.4762 - 1221.5515*t7);
+	double W6rad = MapTo0To360Range(175.4762 - 1221.5515*t7)*dms::DegToRad;
+	double W7 = MapTo0To360Range(2.4891 - 0.002435*t7);
+	double W7rad = MapTo0To360Range(2.4891 - 0.002435*t7)*dms::DegToRad;
+	double W8 = MapTo0To360Range(113.35 - 0.2597*t7);
+	double W8rad = MapTo0To360Range(113.35 - 0.2597*t7)*dms::DegToRad;
+	double s1=sin((28.0817)*dms::DegToRad);
+	double s2=sin((168.8112)*dms::DegToRad);
+	double c1=cos((28.0817)*dms::DegToRad);
+	double c2=cos((168.8112)*dms::DegToRad);
+	double e1= 0.05589 - 0.000346*t7;
+  //Satellite 1
+  double L = MapTo0To360Range(127.64 + 381.994497*t1 -
43.57*sin(W0rad) - 0.720*sin(3*W0rad) - 0.02144*sin(5*W0rad));
+  double p = 106.1 + 365.549*t2;
+  double M = L - p;
+  double Mrad = (M)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double C = (2.18287*sin(Mrad) + 0.025988*sin(2*Mrad) + 0.00043*sin(3*Mrad));
+  double Crad = (C)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double lambda1 = MapTo0To360Range(L + C);
+  double r1 = 3.06879/(1 + 0.01905*cos(Mrad + Crad));
+  double gamma1 = 1.563;
+  double omega1 = MapTo0To360Range(54.5 - 365.072*t2);
+    //Satellite 2
+  L = MapTo0To360Range(200.317 + 262.7319002*t1 + 0.25667*sin(W1rad)
+ 0.20883*sin(W2rad));
+  p = 309.107 + 123.44121*t2;
+  M = (L - p);
+  Mrad = (M)*dms::DegToRad;
+  C = 0.55577*sin(Mrad) + 0.00168*sin(2*Mrad);
+  Crad = (C)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double lambda2 = MapTo0To360Range(L + C);
+  double r2 = 3.94118/(1 + 0.00485*cos(Mrad + Crad));
+  double gamma2 = 0.0262;
+  double omega2 = MapTo0To360Range(348 - 151.95*t2);
+    //Satellite 3
+  double lambda3 = MapTo0To360Range(285.306 + 190.69791226*t1 +
2.063*sin(W0rad) + 0.03409*sin(3*W0rad) + 0.001015*sin(5*W0rad));
+  double r3 = 4.880998;
+  double gamma3 = 1.0976;
+  double omega3 = MapTo0To360Range(111.33 - 72.2441*t2);
+    //Satellite 4
+  L = MapTo0To360Range(254.712 + 131.53493193*t1 - 0.0215*sin(W1rad)
- 0.01733*sin(W2rad));
+  p = 174.8 + 30.820*t2;
+  M = L - p;
+  Mrad = (M)*dms::DegToRad;
+  C = 0.24717*sin(Mrad) + 0.00033*sin(2*Mrad);
+  Crad = (C)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double lambda4 = MapTo0To360Range(L + C);
+  double r4 = 6.24871/(1 + 0.002157*cos(Mrad + Crad));
+  double gamma4 = 0.0139;
+  double omega4 = MapTo0To360Range(232 - 30.27*t2);
+   //Satellite 5
+  double pdash = 342.7 + 10.057*t2;
+  double pdashrad = (pdash)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double a1 = 0.000265*sin(pdashrad) + 0.001*sin(W4rad); //Note the
book uses the incorrect constant 0.01*sin(W4rad);
+  double a2 = 0.000265*cos(pdashrad) + 0.001*cos(W4rad); //Note the
book uses the incorrect constant 0.01*cos(W4rad);
+  double e = sqrt(a1*a1 + a2*a2);
+  p =(atan2(a1, a2))/(dms::DegToRad);
+  double N = 345 - 10.057*t2;
+  double Nrad = (N)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double lambdadash = MapTo0To360Range(359.244 + 79.69004720*t1 +
+  double i = 28.0362 + 0.346898*cos(Nrad) + 0.01930*cos(W3rad);
+  double omega = 168.8034 + 0.736936*sin(Nrad) + 0.041*sin(W3rad);
+  double a = 8.725924;
+  double lambda5 = 0;
+  double gamma5 = 0;
+  double omega5 = 0;
+  double r5 = 0;
+  HelperSubroutine(e, lambdadash, p, a, omega, i, c1, s1, r5,
lambda5, gamma5, omega5);
+//Satellite 6
+  L = 261.1582 + 22.57697855*t4 + 0.074025*sin(W3rad);
+  double idash = 27.45141 + 0.295999*cos(W3rad);
+  double idashrad = (idash)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double omegadash = 168.66925 + 0.628808*sin(W3rad);
+  double omegadashrad = (omegadash)*dms::DegToRad;
+  a1 = sin(W7rad)*sin(omegadashrad - W8rad);
+  a2 = cos(W7rad)*sin(idashrad) -
sin(W7rad)*cos(idashrad)*cos(omegadashrad - W8rad);
+  double g0 = (102.8623)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double psi = atan2(a1, a2);
+  if (a2 < 0)
+    psi += dms::PI;
+  double psideg = (psi)/(dms::DegToRad);
+  double s = sqrt(a1*a1 + a2*a2);
+  double g = W4 - omegadash - psideg;
+  double w_ = 0;
+  for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
+  {
+    w_ = W4 + 0.37515*(sin(2*((g)*dms::DegToRad)) - sin(2*g0));
+    g = w_ - omegadash - psideg;
+  }
+  double grad = (g)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double edash = 0.029092 + 0.00019048*(cos(2*grad) - cos(2*g0));
+  double q = (2*(W5 - w_))*dms::DegToRad;
+  double b1 = sin(idashrad)*sin(omegadashrad - W8rad);
+  double b2 = cos(W7rad)*sin(idashrad)*cos(omegadashrad - W8rad) -
+  double atanb1b2 = atan2(b1, b2);
+  double theta = atanb1b2 + W8rad;
+  e = edash + 0.002778797*edash*cos(q);
+  p = w_ + 0.159215*sin(q);
+  double u = 2*W5 - 2*theta + psi;
+  double h = 0.9375*edash*edash*sin(q) + 0.1875*s*s*sin(2*(W5rad - theta));
+  lambdadash = MapTo0To360Range(L - 0.254744*(e1*sin(W6rad) +
0.75*e1*e1*sin(2*W6rad) + h));
+  i = idash + 0.031843*s*cos(u);
+  omega = omegadash + (0.031843*s*sin(u))/sin(idashrad);
+  a = 20.216193;
+  double lambda6 = 0;
+  double gamma6 = 0;
+  double omega6 = 0;
+  double r6 = 0;
+  HelperSubroutine(e, lambdadash, p, a, omega, i, c1, s1, r6,
lambda6, gamma6, omega6);
+ //Satellite 7
+  double eta = 92.39 + 0.5621071*t6;
+  double etarad = (eta)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double zeta = 148.19 - 19.18*t8;
+  double zetarad = (zeta)*dms::DegToRad;
+  theta = (184.8 - 35.41*t9)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double thetadash = theta - (7.5)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double as = (176 + 12.22*t8)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double bs = (8 + 24.44*t8)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double cs = bs + (5)*dms::DegToRad;
+  w_ = 69.898 - 18.67088*t8;
+  double phi = 2*(w_ - W5);
+  double phirad = (phi)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double chi = 94.9 - 2.292*t8;
+  double chirad = (chi)*dms::DegToRad;
+  a = 24.50601 - 0.08686*cos(etarad) - 0.00166*cos(zetarad + etarad)
+ 0.00175*cos(zetarad - etarad);
+  e = 0.103458 - 0.004099*cos(etarad) - 0.000167*cos(zetarad +
etarad) + 0.000235*cos(zetarad - etarad) +
+      0.02303*cos(zetarad) - 0.00212*cos(2*zetarad) +
0.000151*cos(3*zetarad) + 0.00013*cos(phirad);
+  p = w_ + 0.15648*sin(chirad) - 0.4457*sin(etarad) -
0.2657*sin(zetarad + etarad) +
+      -0.3573*sin(zetarad - etarad) - 12.872*sin(zetarad) +
1.668*sin(2*zetarad) +
+      -0.2419*sin(3*zetarad) - 0.07*sin(phirad);
+  lambdadash = MapTo0To360Range(177.047 + 16.91993829*t6 +
0.15648*sin(chirad) + 9.142*sin(etarad) +
+               0.007*sin(2*etarad) - 0.014*sin(3*etarad) +
0.2275*sin(zetarad + etarad) +
+               0.2112*sin(zetarad - etarad) - 0.26*sin(zetarad) -
0.0098*sin(2*zetarad) +
+               -0.013*sin(as) + 0.017*sin(bs) - 0.0303*sin(phirad));
+  i = 27.3347 + 0.643486*cos(chirad) + 0.315*cos(W3rad) +
0.018*cos(theta) - 0.018*cos(cs);
+  omega = 168.6812 + 1.40136*cos(chirad) + 0.68599*sin(W3rad) -
0.0392*sin(cs) + 0.0366*sin(thetadash);
+  double lambda7 = 0;
+  double gamma7 = 0;
+  double omega7 = 0;
+  double r7 = 0;
+  HelperSubroutine(e, lambdadash, p, a, omega, i, c1, s1, r7,
lambda7, gamma7, omega7);
+ //Satellite 8
+  L = MapTo0To360Range(261.1582 + 22.57697855*t4);
+  double w_dash = 91.796 + 0.562*t7;
+  psi = 4.367 - 0.195*t7;
+  double psirad = (psi)*dms::DegToRad;
+  theta = 146.819 - 3.198*t7;
+  phi = 60.470 + 1.521*t7;
+  phirad = (phi)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double PHI = 205.055 - 2.091*t7;
+  edash = 0.028298 + 0.001156*t11;
+  double w_0 = 352.91 + 11.71*t11;
+  double mu = MapTo0To360Range(76.3852 + 4.53795125*t10);
+  mu = MapTo0To360Range(189097.71668440815);
+  idash = 18.4602 - 0.9518*t11 - 0.072*t112 + 0.0054*t113;
+  idashrad = (idash)*dms::DegToRad;
+  omegadash = 143.198 - 3.919*t11 + 0.116*t112 + 0.008*t113;
+  l = (mu - w_0)*dms::DegToRad;
+  g = (w_0 - omegadash - psi)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double g1 = (w_0 - omegadash - phi)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double ls = (W5 - w_dash)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double gs = (w_dash - theta)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double lt = (L - W4)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double gt = (W4 - PHI)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double u1 = 2*(l + g - ls - gs);
+  double u2 = l + g1 - lt - gt;
+  double u3 = l + 2*(g - ls - gs);
+  double u4 = lt + gt - g1;
+  double u5 = 2*(ls + gs);
+  a = 58.935028 + 0.004638*cos(u1) + 0.058222*cos(u2);
+  e = edash - 0.0014097*cos(g1 - gt) + 0.0003733*cos(u5 - 2*g) +
+      0.0001180*cos(u3) + 0.0002408*cos(l) +
+      0.0002849*cos(l + u2) + 0.0006190*cos(u4);
+  double w = 0.08077*sin(g1 - gt) + 0.02139*sin(u5 - 2*g) - 0.00676*sin(u3) +
+      0.01380*sin(l) + 0.01632*sin(l + u2) + 0.03547*sin(u4);
+  p = w_0 + w/edash;
+  lambdadash = mu - 0.04299*sin(u2) - 0.00789*sin(u1) - 0.06312*sin(ls) +
+               -0.00295*sin(2*ls) - 0.02231*sin(u5) + 0.00650*sin(u5 + psirad);
+  i = idash + 0.04204*cos(u5 + psirad) + 0.00235*cos(l + g1 + lt + gt
+ phirad) +
+      0.00360*cos(u2 + phirad);
+  double wdash = 0.04204*sin(u5 + psirad) + 0.00235*sin(l + g1 + lt +
gt + phirad) +
+       0.00358*sin(u2 + phirad);
+  omega = omegadash + wdash/sin(idashrad);
+  double lambda8 = 0;
+  double gamma8 = 0;
+  double omega8 = 0;
+  double r8 = 0;
+  HelperSubroutine(e, lambdadash, p, a, omega, i, c1, s1, r8,
lambda8, gamma8, omega8);
+  u = (lambda1 - omega1)*dms::DegToRad;
+  w = (omega1 - 168.8112)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double gamma1rad = (gamma1)*dms::DegToRad;
+   X[1] = r1*(cos(u)*cos(w) - sin(u)*cos(gamma1rad)*sin(w));
+   Y[1] = r1*(sin(u)*cos(w)*cos(gamma1rad) + cos(u)*sin(w));
+   Z[1] = r1*sin(u)*sin(gamma1rad);
+  u = (lambda2 - omega2)*dms::DegToRad;
+  w = (omega2 - 168.8112)*dms::DegToRad;
+   double gamma2rad = (gamma2)*dms::DegToRad;
+   X[2] = r2*(cos(u)*cos(w) - sin(u)*cos(gamma2rad)*sin(w));
+   Y[2] = r2*(sin(u)*cos(w)*cos(gamma2rad) + cos(u)*sin(w));
+   Z[2] = r2*sin(u)*sin(gamma2rad);
+  u = (lambda3 - omega3)*dms::DegToRad;
+  w = (omega3 - 168.8112)*dms::DegToRad;
+   double gamma3rad = (gamma3)*dms::DegToRad;
+   X[3] = r3*(cos(u)*cos(w) - sin(u)*cos(gamma3rad)*sin(w));
+   Y[3] = r3*(sin(u)*cos(w)*cos(gamma3rad) + cos(u)*sin(w));
+   Z[3] = r3*sin(u)*sin(gamma3rad);
+  u = (lambda4 - omega4)*dms::DegToRad;
+  w = (omega4 - 168.8112)*dms::DegToRad;
+   double gamma4rad = (gamma4)*dms::DegToRad;
+   X[4] = r4*(cos(u)*cos(w) - sin(u)*cos(gamma4rad)*sin(w));
+   Y[4] = r4*(sin(u)*cos(w)*cos(gamma4rad) + cos(u)*sin(w));
+   Z[4] = r4*sin(u)*sin(gamma4rad);
+  u = (lambda5 - omega5)*dms::DegToRad;
+  w = (omega5 - 168.8112)*dms::DegToRad;
+   double gamma5rad = (gamma5)*dms::DegToRad;
+   X[5] = r5*(cos(u)*cos(w) - sin(u)*cos(gamma5rad)*sin(w));
+   Y[5] = r5*(sin(u)*cos(w)*cos(gamma5rad) + cos(u)*sin(w));
+   Z[5] = r5*sin(u)*sin(gamma5rad);
+  u = (lambda6 - omega6)*dms::DegToRad;
+  w = (omega6 - 168.8112)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double gamma6rad = (gamma6)*dms::DegToRad;
+   X[6] = r6*(cos(u)*cos(w) - sin(u)*cos(gamma6rad)*sin(w));
+   Y[6] = r6*(sin(u)*cos(w)*cos(gamma6rad) + cos(u)*sin(w));
+   Z[6] = r6*sin(u)*sin(gamma6rad);
+  u = (lambda7 - omega7)*dms::DegToRad;
+  w = (omega7 - 168.8112)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double gamma7rad = (gamma7)*dms::DegToRad;
+  X[7] = r7*(cos(u)*cos(w) - sin(u)*cos(gamma7rad)*sin(w));
+  Y[7] = r7*(sin(u)*cos(w)*cos(gamma7rad) + cos(u)*sin(w));
+  Z[7] = r7*sin(u)*sin(gamma7rad);
+  u = (lambda8 - omega8)*dms::DegToRad;
+  w = (omega8 - 168.8112)*dms::DegToRad;
+  double gamma8rad = (gamma8)*dms::DegToRad;
+   X[8] = r8*(cos(u)*cos(w) - sin(u)*cos(gamma8rad)*sin(w));
+   Y[8] = r8*(sin(u)*cos(w)*cos(gamma8rad) + cos(u)*sin(w));
+   Z[8] = r8*sin(u)*sin(gamma8rad);
+   X[9] = 0;
+   Y[9] = 0;
+   Z[9] = 1;
+   for ( int i=1; i<10; ++i ) {
+   A1[i] = X[i];
+   B1[i] = c1*Y[i] - s1*Z[i];
+   C1[i] = s1*Y[i] + c1*Z[i];
+  //Rotation towards the vernal equinox
+   A2[i] = c2*A1[i] - s2*B1[i];
+   B2[i] = s2*A1[i] + c2*B1[i];
+   C2[i] = C1[i];
+   A3[i] = A2[i]*sin(LAMBDA) - B2[i]*cos(LAMBDA);
+   B3[i] = A2[i]*cos(LAMBDA) + B2[i]*sin(LAMBDA);
+   C3[i] = C2[i];
+   A4[i] = A3[i];
+   B4[i] = B3[i]*cos(ALPHA) + C3[i]*sin(ALPHA);
+   C4[i] = C3[i]*cos(ALPHA) - B3[i]*sin(ALPHA);
+	}
+  D = atan2(A4[9], C4[9]);
+    //X and Y are now the rectangular coordinates of each satellite,
+    //in units of Jupiter's Equatorial radius.
+    //When Z is negative, the planet is nearer to the Sun than Jupiter.
+    double pa = Saturn->pa()*dms::PI/180.0;
+    for ( int i=0; i<8; ++i ) {
+        XS[i] = A4[i+1] * cos( D ) - C4[i+1] * sin( D );
+        YS[i] = A4[i+1] * sin( D ) + C4[i+1] * cos( D );
+        ZS[i] = B4[i+1];
+        Moon[i]->setRA( Saturn->ra()->Hours() - 0.011*( XS[i] * cos(
pa ) - YS[i] * sin( pa ) )/15.0 );
+        Moon[i]->setDec( Saturn->dec()->Degrees() - 0.011*( XS[i] *
sin( pa ) + YS[i] * cos( pa ) ) );
+        if ( ZS[i] < 0.0 ) InFront[i] = true;
+        else InFront[i] = false;
+        //Update Trails
+        if ( Moon[i]->hasTrail() ) {
+            Moon[i]->addToTrail();
+            if ( Moon[i]->trail().size() > MAXTRAIL )
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: kstars/skyobjects/saturnmoons.cpp
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Index: kstars/skyobjects/saturnmoons.h
--- kstars/skyobjects/saturnmoons.h	(revision 0)
+++ kstars/skyobjects/saturnmoons.h	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+                          saturnmoons.h  -  description
+                             -------------------
+    begin                : Sat Mar 13 2009
+                         : by Vipul Kumar Singh
+    email                : vipulkrsingh at gmail.com
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ *                                                                         *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ *                                                                         *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <QString>
+#include <QVector>
+class KSNumbers;
+class KSPlanet;
+class KSSun;
+class TrailObject;
+class dms;
+  *@class SAturnMoons
+  *Implements the Eight largest moons of Saturn.
+  *using Algorithms based on "Astronomical Algorithms"by Jean Meeus
+  *
+  *TODO: make the moons SkyObjects, rather than just points.
+  *
+  *@author Vipul Kumar Singh
+  *@version 1.0
+  */
+class SaturnMoons {
+    /**
+      *Constructor.  Assign the name of each moon,
+      *and initialize their XYZ positions to zero.
+      */
+    SaturnMoons();
+    /**
+      *Destructor.  Delete moon objects.
+      */
+    ~SaturnMoons();
+    /**
+      *@short Find the positions of each Moon, relative to Saturn.
+      *We use an XYZ coordinate system, centered on Saturn,
+      *where the X-axis corresponds to Saturn's Equator,
+      *the Y-Axis is parallel to Saturn's Poles, and the
+      *Z-axis points along the line joining the Earth and
+      *Saturn.  Once the XYZ positions are known, this
+      *function also computes the RA,Dec positions of each
+      *Moon, and sets the inFront bool variable to indicate
+      *whether the Moon is nearer to us than Saturn or not
+      *(this information is used to determine whether the
+      *Moon should be drawn on top of Saturn, or vice versa).
+      *
+      *See "Astronomical Algorithms" bu Jean Meeus.
+      *
+      *@param num pointer to the KSNumbers object describing
+      *the date/time at which to find the positions.
+      *@param sat pointer to the Saturn object
+      *@param sunptr pointer to the Sun object
+      */
+    void findPosition( const KSNumbers *num, const KSPlanet *sat,
const KSSun *sunptr );
+    /**
+      *@return pointer to a moon given the ID number.
+      *@param id which moon?
+      */
+    inline TrailObject* moon( int id ) { return Moon[id]; }
+    /**
+      *@return pointer to a moon, given its name:
+      *@param name the name of the moon
(Mimas,Enceladus,Tethys,Dione,Rhea,Titan,Hyperion,Lapetus )
+      */
+    TrailObject* moonNamed( const QString &name ) const;
+    /**
+      *@return true if the Moon is nearer to Earth than Saturn.
+      *@param id which moon?
+      */
+    inline bool inFront( int id ) const { return InFront[id]; }
+    /**
+      *@return the name of a moon.
+      *@param id which moon?
+      */
+    QString name( int id ) const;
+    /**
+      *Convert the RA,Dec coordinates of each moon to Az,Alt
+      *@param LSTh pointer to the current local sidereal time
+      *@param lat pointer to the geographic latitude
+      */
+    void EquatorialToHorizontal( const dms *LSTh, const dms *lat );
+    /**
+      *@return the X-coordinate in the Saturn-centered coord. system.
+      *@param i which moon?
+      */
+    double x( int i ) const { return XS[i]; }
+    /**
+      *@return the Y-coordinate in the Saturn-centered coord. system.
+      *@param i which moon?
+      */
+    double y( int i ) const { return YS[i]; }
+    /**
+      *@return the Z-coordinate in the Saturn-centered coord. system.
+      *@param i which moon?
+      */
+    double z( int i ) const { return ZS[i]; }
+    /** the subroutine helps in saturn moon calculations
+    */
+    void HelperSubroutine( double e, double lambdadash, double p,
double a, double omega, double i, double c1, double s1, double& r,
double& lambda, double& gamma, double& w );
+    double MapTo0To360Range( double Degrees )
+    {
+      double Value = Degrees;
+      //map it to the range 0 - 360
+      while (Value < 0)
+	Value += 360;
+      while (Value > 360)
+	Value -= 360;
+      return Value;
+    }
+    QVector<TrailObject*> Moon;
+    bool InFront[8];
+    //the rectangular position, relative to Saturn.  X-axis is
equator of Saturn; usints are Sat. Radius
+    double XS[8], YS[8], ZS[8];

Property changes on: kstars/skyobjects/saturnmoons.h
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Index: kstars/CMakeLists.txt
--- kstars/CMakeLists.txt	(revision 939391)
+++ kstars/CMakeLists.txt	(working copy)
@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@
+   skycomponents/saturnmoonscomponent.cpp
@@ -251,6 +252,7 @@
+  skyobjects/saturnmoons.cpp
Index: kstars/skycomponents/solarsystemcomposite.cpp
--- kstars/skycomponents/solarsystemcomposite.cpp	(revision 939391)
+++ kstars/skycomponents/solarsystemcomposite.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
 #include "skyobjects/ksmoon.h"
 #include "skyobjects/kspluto.h"
 #include "jupitermoonscomponent.h"
+#include "saturnmoonscomponent.h"

 SolarSystemComposite::SolarSystemComposite(SkyComponent *parent,
KStarsData *data )
         : SkyComposite(parent)
@@ -53,7 +53,10 @@
     addComponent( jup );
     m_JupiterMoons = new JupiterMoonsComponent( this, jup,
     addComponent( m_JupiterMoons );
-    addComponent( new SolarSystemSingleComponent( this, new KSPlanet(
data, KSPlanetBase::SATURN ), Options::showSaturn, 4 ) );
+    SolarSystemSingleComponent *sat = new SolarSystemSingleComponent(
this, new KSPlanet( data, KSPlanetBase::SATURN ), Options::showSaturn,
4 );
+    addComponent( sat );
+    m_SaturnMoons = new SaturnMoonsComponent( this, sat, &Options::showSaturn);
+    addComponent( m_SaturnMoons );
     addComponent( new SolarSystemSingleComponent( this, new KSPlanet(
data, KSPlanetBase::URANUS ), Options::showUranus, 4 ) );
     addComponent( new SolarSystemSingleComponent( this, new KSPlanet(
data, KSPlanetBase::NEPTUNE ), Options::showNeptune, 4 ) );
     addComponent( new SolarSystemSingleComponent( this, new
KSPluto(data), Options::showPluto, 4 ) );
@@ -93,6 +96,7 @@
     m_Sun->EquatorialToHorizontal( data->lst(), data->geo()->lat() );
     m_Moon->EquatorialToHorizontal( data->lst(), data->geo()->lat() );
     m_JupiterMoons->update( data, num );
+    m_SaturnMoons->update( data, num );

     foreach ( SkyComponent *comp, components() ) {
         comp->update( data, num );
@@ -117,6 +121,7 @@
     m_Moon->findPosition( num, data->geo()->lat(), data->lst() );
     m_Moon->findPhase( m_Sun );
     m_JupiterMoons->updateMoons( data, num );
+    m_SaturnMoons->updateMoons( data, num );

 void SolarSystemComposite::draw( QPainter& psky )
Index: kstars/skycomponents/skymapcomposite.h
--- kstars/skycomponents/skymapcomposite.h	(revision 939391)
+++ kstars/skycomponents/skymapcomposite.h	(working copy)
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
     	*Planet positions change over time, so they need to be recomputed
     	*periodically, but not on every call to update().  This function
     	*will recompute the positions of all solar system bodies except the
-    	*Earth's Moon and Jupiter's Moons (because these objects' positions
+    	*Earth's Moon, Jupiter's Moons AND Saturn Moons (because these
objects' positions
     	*change on a much more rapid timescale).
     	*@p data Pointer to the KStarsData object
     	*@p num Pointer to the KSNumbers object
Index: kstars/skycomponents/solarsystemcomposite.h
--- kstars/skycomponents/solarsystemcomposite.h	(revision 939391)
+++ kstars/skycomponents/solarsystemcomposite.h	(working copy)
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 class KSSun;
 class KSMoon;
 class JupiterMoonsComponent;
+class SaturnMoonsComponent;
 class AsteroidsComponent;
 class CometsComponent;
 class SkyLabeler;
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@
     KSSun *m_Sun;
     KSMoon *m_Moon;
     JupiterMoonsComponent *m_JupiterMoons;
+    SaturnMoonsComponent *m_SaturnMoons;
     AsteroidsComponent *m_AsteroidsComponent;
     CometsComponent *m_CometsComponent;
     SkyLabeler* m_skyLabeler;
Index: kstars/skycomponents/saturnmoonscomponent.h
--- kstars/skycomponents/saturnmoonscomponent.h	(revision 0)
+++ kstars/skycomponents/saturnmoonscomponent.h	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+                          saturnmoonscomponent.h  -  K Desktop Planetarium
+                             -------------------
+     begin                : Sat Mar 13 2009
+                             : by Vipul Kumar Singh
+    email                : vipulkrsingh at gmail.com
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ *                                                                         *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ *                                                                         *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "skycomponent.h"
+class SkyComposite;
+class SolarSystemSingleComponent;
+class KStarsData;
+class SkyMap;
+class KSNumbers;
+class SaturnMoons;
+class SkyLabeler;
+	*@class SaturnMoonsComponent
+	*Represents the jupitermoons on the sky map.
+	*@author Vipul Kumar Singh
+	*@version 0.1
+	*/
+class SaturnMoonsComponent : public SkyComponent
+    /**
+     *@short Constructor
+     *@p parent pointer to the parent SkyComposite
+     */
+    SaturnMoonsComponent( SkyComponent *parent,
SolarSystemSingleComponent *sat, bool (*visibleMethod)() );
+    /**
+     *@short Destructor
+     */
+    virtual ~SaturnMoonsComponent();
+    /**
+     *@short Draw the  moons on the sky map
+     *@p map Pointer to the SkyMap object
+     *@p psky Reference to the QPainter on which to paint
+     */
+    virtual void draw( QPainter& psky );
+    /**
+     *@short Initialize the Jovian moons
+     *@p data Pointer to the KStarsData object
+     */
+    virtual void init(KStarsData *data);
+    virtual void update( KStarsData *data, KSNumbers *num );
+    virtual void updateMoons( KStarsData *data, KSNumbers *num );
+    virtual SkyObject* objectNearest( SkyPoint *p, double &maxrad );
+    /**
+    	*@return a pointer to a moon if its name matches the argument
+    	*
+    	*@p name the name to be matched
+    	*@return a SkyObject pointer to the moon whose name matches
+    	*the argument, or a NULL pointer if no match was found.
+    	*/
+    virtual SkyObject* findByName( const QString &name );
+    /**
+    	*@short Draws the moons' trails, if necessary.
+    	*/
+    void drawTrails( QPainter& psky );
+    /**
+    	*@short Add a Trail to the specified SkyObject.
+    	*@p o Pointer to the SkyObject to which a Trail will be added
+    	*/
+    virtual bool addTrail( SkyObject *o );
+    /**
+    	*@return true if the specified SkyObject is a member of this
component, and it contains a Trail.
+    	*@p o Pointer to the SkyObject to which a Trail will be added
+    	*/
+    virtual bool hasTrail( SkyObject *o, bool& found );
+    virtual bool removeTrail( SkyObject *o );
+    virtual void clearTrailsExcept( SkyObject *exOb );
+    SaturnMoons *smoons;
+    SolarSystemSingleComponent *m_Saturn;
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: kstars/skycomponents/saturnmoonscomponent.h
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Index: kstars/skycomponents/skymapcomposite.cpp
--- kstars/skycomponents/skymapcomposite.cpp	(revision 939391)
+++ kstars/skycomponents/skymapcomposite.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 #include "ecliptic.h"
 #include "horizoncomponent.h"
 #include "jupitermoonscomponent.h"
+#include "saturnmoonscomponent.h"
 #include "milkyway.h"
 #include "magellanicclouds.h"
 #include "solarsystemcomposite.h"
Index: kstars/skycomponents/skylabeler.h
--- kstars/skycomponents/skylabeler.h	(revision 939391)
+++ kstars/skycomponents/skylabeler.h	(working copy)
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@
Index: kstars/skycomponents/saturnmoonscomponent.cpp
--- kstars/skycomponents/saturnmoonscomponent.cpp	(revision 0)
+++ kstars/skycomponents/saturnmoonscomponent.cpp	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+                         saturnmoonscomponent.cpp  -  K Desktop Planetarium
+                             -------------------
+     begin                : Sat Mar 13 2009
+                             : by Vipul Kumar Singh
+    email                : vipulkrsingh at gmail.com
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ *                                                                         *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ *                                                                         *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "saturnmoonscomponent.h"
+#include <QList>
+#include <QPoint>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include "skyobjects/saturnmoons.h"
+#include "kstarsdata.h"
+#include "skymap.h"
+#include "skyobjects/skypoint.h"
+#include "skyobjects/trailobject.h"
+#include "dms.h"
+#include "Options.h"
+#include "solarsystemsinglecomponent.h"
+#include "solarsystemcomposite.h"
+#include "skylabeler.h"
+SaturnMoonsComponent::SaturnMoonsComponent( SkyComponent *p,
+        SolarSystemSingleComponent *saturnComponent,
+        bool (*visibleMethod)() ) : SkyComponent( p, visibleMethod )
+    smoons = 0;
+    m_Saturn = saturnComponent;
+    delete smoons;
+void SaturnMoonsComponent::init(KStarsData *)
+    smoons = new SaturnMoons();
+    for ( uint i=0; i<8; i++ )
+        objectNames(SkyObject::MOON).append( smoons->name(i) );
+void SaturnMoonsComponent::update( KStarsData *data, KSNumbers * )
+    if ( visible() )
+        smoons->EquatorialToHorizontal( data->lst(), data->geo()->lat() );
+void SaturnMoonsComponent::updateMoons( KStarsData *, KSNumbers *num )
+    if ( visible() )
+        smoons->findPosition( num,
(KSPlanet*)(m_Saturn->skyObject()), (KSSun*)(parent()->findByName(
"Sun" )) );
+SkyObject* SaturnMoonsComponent::findByName( const QString &name ) {
+    for ( uint i=0; i<8; ++i ) {
+        TrailObject *moon = smoons->moon(i);
+        if ( QString::compare( moon->name(), name,
Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ||
+            QString::compare( moon->longname(), name,
Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ||
+            QString::compare( moon->name2(), name, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
+            return moon;
+    }
+    return 0;
+SkyObject* SaturnMoonsComponent::objectNearest( SkyPoint *p, double
&maxrad ) {
+    SkyObject *oBest = 0;
+    for ( uint i=0; i<8; ++i ) {
+        SkyObject *moon = (SkyObject*)(smoons->moon(i));
+        double r = moon->angularDistanceTo( p ).Degrees();
+        if ( r < maxrad ) {
+            maxrad = r;
+            oBest = moon;
+        }
+    }
+    return oBest;
+bool SaturnMoonsComponent::addTrail( SkyObject *o ) {
+    for ( uint i=0; i<8; i++ ) {
+        if ( o == smoons->moon(i) ) {
+            smoons->moon(i)->addToTrail();
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+bool SaturnMoonsComponent::hasTrail( SkyObject *o, bool &found ) {
+    for ( uint i=0; i<8; i++ ) {
+        if ( o == smoons->moon(i) ) {
+            found = true;
+            return smoons->moon(i)->hasTrail();
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+bool SaturnMoonsComponent::removeTrail( SkyObject *o ) {
+    for ( uint i=0; i<8; i++ ) {
+        if ( o == smoons->moon(i) ) {
+            smoons->moon(i)->clearTrail();
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+void SaturnMoonsComponent::clearTrailsExcept( SkyObject *exOb ) {
+    for ( uint i=0; i<8; i++ )
+        if ( exOb != smoons->moon(i) )
+            smoons->moon(i)->clearTrail();
+void SaturnMoonsComponent::draw( QPainter& psky )
+    if ( ! Options::showSaturn() ) return;
+    SkyMap *map = SkyMap::Instance();
+    float Width = map->scale() * map->width();
+    float Height = map->scale() * map->height();
+    psky.setPen( QPen( QColor( "white" ) ) );
+    if ( Options::zoomFactor() <= 10.*MINZOOM ) return;
+    //In order to get the z-order right for the moons and Saturn,
+    //we need to first draw the moons that are further away than Saturn,
+    //then re-draw Saturn, then draw the moons nearer than Saturn.
+    QList<QPointF> frontMoons;
+    for ( unsigned int i=0; i<8; ++i ) {
+        QPointF o = map->toScreen( smoons->moon(i) );
+        if ( ( o.x() >= 0. && o.x() <= Width && o.y() >= 0. && o.y()
<= Height ) ) {
+            if ( smoons->z(i) < 0.0 ) { //Moon is nearer than Saturn
+                frontMoons.append( o );
+            } else {
+                //Draw Moons that are further than Saturn
+                psky.drawEllipse( QRectF( o.x()-1., o.y()-1., 2., 2. ) );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    //Now redraw Saturn
+    m_Saturn->draw( psky );
+    //Now draw the remaining moons, as stored in frontMoons
+    psky.setPen( QPen( QColor( "white" ) ) );
+    foreach ( const QPointF &o, frontMoons ) {
+        psky.drawEllipse( QRectF( o.x()-1., o.y()-1., 2., 2. ) );
+    }
+    //Draw Moon name labels if at high zoom
+    if ( ! (Options::showPlanetNames() && Options::zoomFactor() >
50.*MINZOOM) ) return;
+    for ( unsigned int i=0; i<8; ++i ) {
+        QPointF o = map->toScreen( smoons->moon(i) );
+        if ( ! map->onScreen( o ) ) continue;
+        SkyLabeler::AddLabel( o, smoons->moon(i),
+    }
+void SaturnMoonsComponent::drawTrails( QPainter& psky ) {
+    SkyMap *map = SkyMap::Instance();
+    KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance();
+    float Width = map->scale() * map->width();
+    float Height = map->scale() * map->height();
+    QColor tcolor1 = QColor( data->colorScheme()->colorNamed(
"PlanetTrailColor" ) );
+    QColor tcolor2 = QColor( data->colorScheme()->colorNamed( "SkyColor" ) );
+    for ( uint i=0; i<8; ++i ) {
+        TrailObject *moon = smoons->moon(i);
+        if ( ! visible() || ! moon->hasTrail() ) continue;
+        SkyPoint p = moon->trail().first();
+        QPointF o = map->toScreen( &p );
+        QPointF oLast( o );
+        bool doDrawLine(false);
+        int j = 0;
+        int n = moon->trail().size();
+        if ( ( o.x() >= -1000. && o.x() <= Width+1000.
+                && o.y() >= -1000. && o.y() <= Height+1000. ) ) {
+            //		psky.moveTo(o.x(), o.y());
+            doDrawLine = true;
+        }
+        psky.setPen( QPen( tcolor1, 1 ) );
+        bool firstPoint( true );
+        foreach ( p, moon->trail() ) {
+            if ( firstPoint ) { firstPoint = false; continue; }
//skip first point
+            if ( Options::fadePlanetTrails() ) {
+                //Define interpolated color
+                QColor tcolor = QColor(
+                                    (j*tcolor1.red()   +
+                                    (j*tcolor1.green() +
+                                    (j*tcolor1.blue()  +
(n-j)*tcolor2.blue())/n );
+                ++j;
+                psky.setPen( QPen( tcolor, 1 ) );
+            }
+            o = map->toScreen( &p );
+            if ( ( o.x() >= -1000 && o.x() <= Width+1000 && o.y()
>=-1000 && o.y() <= Height+1000 ) ) {
+                //Want to disable line-drawing if this point and the
last are both outside bounds of display.
+                //FIXME: map->rect() should return QRectF
+                if ( ! map->rect().contains( o.toPoint() ) && !
map->rect().contains( oLast.toPoint() ) ) doDrawLine = false;
+                if ( doDrawLine ) {
+                    psky.drawLine( oLast, o );
+                } else {
+                    doDrawLine = true;
+                }
+            }
+            oLast = o;
+        }
+    }

Property changes on: kstars/skycomponents/saturnmoonscomponent.cpp
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Index: kstars/skycomponents/skylabeler.cpp
--- kstars/skycomponents/skylabeler.cpp	(revision 939391)
+++ kstars/skycomponents/skylabeler.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -428,6 +428,12 @@
     psky.setPen( QColor( data->colorScheme()->colorNamed( "PNameColor" ) ) );
     drawQueuedLabelsType( psky, PLANET_LABEL );

+    if ( labelList[ SATURN_MOON_LABEL ].size() > 0 ) {
+        shrinkFont( psky, 2 );
+        drawQueuedLabelsType( psky, SATURN_MOON_LABEL );
+        resetFont( psky );
+    }
     if ( labelList[ JUPITER_MOON_LABEL ].size() > 0 ) {
         shrinkFont( psky, 2 );
         drawQueuedLabelsType( psky, JUPITER_MOON_LABEL );
@@ -480,6 +486,7 @@
     labelName[        COMET_LABEL ] = "Comet";
     labelName[       PLANET_LABEL ] = "Planet";
     labelName[ JUPITER_MOON_LABEL ] = "Jupiter Moon";
+    labelName[  SATURN_MOON_LABEL ] = "Saturn Moon";
     labelName[     DEEP_SKY_LABEL ] = "Deep Sky Object";
     labelName[ CONSTEL_NAME_LABEL ] = "Constellation Name";
-------------- next part --------------
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