[Kstars-devel] List of observatories in Marble

Médéric Boquien mboquien at free.fr
Wed Mar 4 03:27:20 CET 2009

Hi list,

I have just committed the support of astronomical observatories to Marble. If 
you run trunk you can see them, for instance zooming in on Chile. The list of 
observatories i have committed has been extracted from the kstars current 
database. The idea is not to lose a feature when switching to Marble for the 
location picker, someday.
I have added the observatories to marble/data/placemarks/otherplacemarks.kml. 
An example of a placemark is:
    <name>Allegheny Observatory</name>

Role indicates the type of placemark, always A here, pop is the popularity, it 
defines when it should be displayed. For now its value is always 100000, but it 
could be tweaked according to the importance of the observatory. The 
coordinates are self-explanatory. Note that for now there is no metadata. You 
can see an example of such medata at the beginning of otherplacemarks.kml, in 
the descriptio field of the RMS Titanic.
So, what can be done now:
* add new observatories as the list is very uncomplete,
* add metadata,
* tweak the popularity
In case your are interested, you can test modifying otherplacemarks.kml and 
following the instructions given in marble/data/placemarks/HOWTO-cities.txt 
from point 3 (replacing cityplacemarks.kml by otherplacemarks.kml)



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