[Kstars-devel] KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skyobjects

Alexey Khudyakov alexey.skladnoy at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 15:16:26 CEST 2009

SVN commit 986289 by khudyakov:

Make function KSPlanetBase::findMagnitude virtual.

It more robust and simple. Also it's more natural to keep
code which calculate object magnitude in its class.

KSPlanetBase::findMagnitude now pure virtual function 

CCMAIL: kstars-devel at kde.org

 M  +9 -0      ksasteroid.cpp  
 M  +2 -0      ksasteroid.h  
 M  +5 -0      kscomet.cpp  
 M  +2 -0      kscomet.h  
 M  +16 -0     ksmoon.cpp  
 M  +2 -0      ksmoon.h  
 M  +43 -0     ksplanet.cpp  
 M  +2 -0      ksplanet.h  
 M  +0 -83     ksplanetbase.cpp  
 M  +1 -1      ksplanetbase.h  
 M  +5 -0      kspluto.cpp  
 M  +2 -0      kspluto.h  
 M  +3 -0      kssun.cpp  
 M  +2 -0      kssun.h  

--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skyobjects/ksasteroid.cpp #986288:986289
@@ -129,6 +129,15 @@
     return true;
+void KSAsteroid::findMagnitude(const KSNumbers*)
+    double param     = 5 * log10(rsun() * rearth() );
+    double phase_rad = phase().radians();
+    double phi1      = exp( -3.33 * pow( tan( phase_rad / 2 ), 0.63 ) );
+    double phi2      = exp( -1.87 * pow( tan( phase_rad / 2 ), 1.22 ) );
+    setMag( H + param - 2.5 * log( (1 - G) * phi1 + G * phi2 ) );
 //Unused virtual function from KSPlanetBase
 bool KSAsteroid::loadData() { return false; }
--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skyobjects/ksasteroid.h #986288:986289
@@ -102,6 +102,8 @@
     void setJD( long double jd ) { JD = jd; }
+    virtual void findMagnitude(const KSNumbers*);
     long double JD;
     double a, e, P;
     dms i, w, M, N;
--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skyobjects/kscomet.cpp #986288:986289
@@ -180,5 +180,10 @@
     return true;
+void KSComet::findMagnitude(const KSNumbers*)
+    setMag( H + 5.0 * log10( rearth() ) + 2.5 * G * log10( rsun() ) );
 //Unused virtual function from KSPlanetBase
 bool KSComet::loadData() { return false; }
--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skyobjects/kscomet.h #986288:986289
@@ -133,6 +133,8 @@
+    virtual void findMagnitude(const KSNumbers*);
     long double JD, JDp;
     double q, e, a, P;
     double TailSize, TailAngSize, ComaSize, NuclearSize; // All in kilometres
--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skyobjects/ksmoon.cpp #986288:986289
@@ -203,6 +203,22 @@
     return true;
+void KSMoon::findMagnitude(const KSNumbers*)
+    // This block of code to compute Moon magnitude (and the
+    // relevant data put into ksplanetbase.h) was taken from
+    // SkyChart v3 Beta
+    int p = floor( phase().Degrees() );
+    if( p > 180 )
+        p = p - 360;
+    int i = p / 10;
+    int k = p % 10;
+    int j = (i + 1 > 18) ? 18 : i + 1;
+    i = 18 - abs(i);
+    j = 18 - abs(j);
+    setMag( KSMoon::MagArray[ i ] + ( ( KSMoon::MagArray[ j ] - KSMoon::MagArray[ i ] ) * k / 10 ) );
 void KSMoon::findPhase() {
     KSSun *Sun = (KSSun*)KStarsData::Instance()->skyComposite()->findByName( "Sun" ); // TODO: Get rid of this ugly thing by making KSSun singleton.
     Phase = ecLong()->Degrees() - Sun->ecLong()->Degrees();
--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skyobjects/ksmoon.h #986288:986289
@@ -98,6 +98,8 @@
     virtual bool findGeocentricPosition( const KSNumbers *num, const KSPlanetBase* );
+    virtual void findMagnitude(const KSNumbers*);
     static bool data_loaded;
     static int instance_count;
--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skyobjects/ksplanet.cpp #986288:986289
@@ -319,3 +319,46 @@
     return true;
+void KSPlanet::findMagnitude(const KSNumbers* num)
+    double cosDec, sinDec;
+    dec()->SinCos(cosDec, sinDec);
+    /* Computation of the visual magnitude (V band) of the planet.
+    * Algorithm provided by Pere Planesas (Observatorio Astronomico Nacional)
+    * It has some simmilarity to J. Meeus algorithm in Astronomical Algorithms, Chapter 40.
+    * */
+    // Initialized to the faintest magnitude observable with the HST
+    float magnitude = 30;
+    double param = 5 * log10(rsun() * rearth() );
+    double phase_rad = phase().radians();
+    double phase = this->phase().Degrees();
+    double f1 = phase/100.;
+    if( name() == i18n( "Mercury" ) ) {
+        if ( phase > 150. ) f1 = 1.5;
+        magnitude = -0.36 + param + 3.8*f1 - 2.73*f1*f1 + 2*f1*f1*f1;
+    } else if( name() == i18n( "Venus" ) ) {
+        magnitude = -4.29 + param + 0.09*f1 + 2.39*f1*f1 - 0.65*f1*f1*f1;
+    } else if( name() == i18n( "Mars" ) ) {
+        magnitude = -1.52 + param + 0.016*phase;
+    } else if( name() == i18n( "Jupiter" ) ) {
+        magnitude = -9.25 + param + 0.005*phase;
+    } else if( name() == i18n( "Saturn" ) ) {
+        double T = num->julianCenturies();
+        double a0 = (40.66-4.695*T)* dms::PI / 180.;
+        double d0 = (83.52+0.403*T)* dms::PI / 180.;
+        double sinx = -cos(d0)*cosDec*cos(a0 - ra()->radians());
+        sinx = fabs(sinx-sin(d0)*sinDec);
+        double rings = -2.6*sinx + 1.25*sinx*sinx;
+        magnitude = -8.88 + param + 0.044*phase + rings;
+    } else if( name() == i18n( "Uranus" ) ) {
+        magnitude = -7.19 + param + 0.0028*phase;
+    } else if( name() == i18n( "Neptune" ) ) {
+        magnitude = -6.87 + param;
+    }
+    setMag(magnitude);
--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skyobjects/ksplanet.h #986288:986289
@@ -177,6 +177,8 @@
     static OrbitDataManager odm;
+    virtual void findMagnitude(const KSNumbers*);
--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skyobjects/ksplanetbase.cpp #986288:986289
@@ -306,86 +306,3 @@
        TODO: Switch to this if and when we make KSSun a singleton */
     //    Phase = ecLong()->Degrees() - Sun->ecLong()->Degrees();
-void KSPlanetBase::findMagnitude(const KSNumbers *num) {
-    double cosDec, sinDec;
-    dec()->SinCos(cosDec, sinDec);
-    /* Computation of the visual magnitude (V band) of the planet.
-    * Algorithm provided by Pere Planesas (Observatorio Astronomico Nacional)
-    * It has some simmilarity to J. Meeus algorithm in Astronomical Algorithms, Chapter 40.
-    * */
-    // Initialized to the faintest magnitude observable with the HST
-    float magnitude = 30;
-    double param = 5 * log10(rsun() * rearth() );
-    double phase_rad = phase().radians();
-    double phase = this->phase().Degrees();
-    double f1 = phase/100.;
-    if( name() == "Moon" ) {
-        // This block of code to compute Moon magnitude (and the
-        // relevant data put into ksplanetbase.h) was taken from
-        // SkyChart v3 Beta
-        int p = (int)( floor( phase ) );
-        if( p > 180 )
-            p = p - 360;
-        int i = p / 10;
-        int k = p - 10 * i;
-        int j = (i + 1 > 18) ? 18 : i + 1;
-        i = 18 - abs(i);
-        j = 18 - abs(j);
-        magnitude = KSMoon::MagArray[ i ] + ( ( KSMoon::MagArray[ j ] - KSMoon::MagArray[ i ] ) * k / 10 );
-    }
-    if ( name() == i18n( "Mercury" ) ) {
-        if ( phase > 150. ) f1 = 1.5;
-        magnitude = -0.36 + param + 3.8*f1 - 2.73*f1*f1 + 2*f1*f1*f1;
-    }
-    if ( name() == i18n( "Venus" ) )
-        magnitude = -4.29 + param + 0.09*f1 + 2.39*f1*f1 - 0.65*f1*f1*f1;
-    if( name() == i18n( "Mars" ) )
-        magnitude = -1.52 + param + 0.016*phase;
-    if( name() == i18n( "Jupiter" ) )
-        magnitude = -9.25 + param + 0.005*phase;
-    if( name() == i18n( "Saturn" ) ) {
-        double T = num->julianCenturies();
-        double a0 = (40.66-4.695*T)* dms::PI / 180.;
-        double d0 = (83.52+0.403*T)* dms::PI / 180.;
-        double sinx = -cos(d0)*cosDec*cos(a0 - ra()->radians());
-        sinx = fabs(sinx-sin(d0)*sinDec);
-        double rings = -2.6*sinx + 1.25*sinx*sinx;
-        magnitude = -8.88 + param + 0.044*phase + rings;
-    }
-    if( name() == i18n( "Uranus" ) )
-        magnitude = -7.19 + param + 0.0028*phase;
-    if( name() == i18n( "Neptune" ) )
-        magnitude = -6.87 + param;
-    if( name() == i18n( "Pluto" ) )
-        magnitude = -1.01 + param + 0.041*phase;
-    if( type() == SkyObject::ASTEROID ) {
-        // Asteroid
-        double H, G;
-        double phi1 = exp( -3.33 * pow( tan( phase_rad / 2 ), 0.63 ) );
-        double phi2 = exp( -1.87 * pow( tan( phase_rad / 2 ), 1.22 ) );
-        KSAsteroid *me = (KSAsteroid *)this;
-        H = me -> getAbsoluteMagnitude();
-        G = me -> getSlopeParameter();
-        magnitude = H + param - 2.5 * log( (1 - G) * phi1 + G * phi2 );
-    }
-    if( type() == SkyObject::COMET ) {
-        // Comet
-        double H, G;
-        KSComet *me = (KSComet *)this;
-        H = me -> getAbsoluteMagnitude();
-        G = me -> getSlopeParameter();
-        magnitude = H + 5.0 * log10( rearth() ) + 2.5 * G * log10( rsun() );
-    }
-    setMag(magnitude);
--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skyobjects/ksplanetbase.h #986288:986289
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@
      *@param num pointer to a ksnumbers object. Needed for the saturn rings contribution to 
      *           saturn's magnitude.
-    void findMagnitude(const KSNumbers *num);
+    virtual void findMagnitude(const KSNumbers *num) = 0;
     QImage Image0, Image;
     double PositionAngle, ImageAngle, AngularSize, PhysicalSize;
--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skyobjects/kspluto.cpp #986288:986289
@@ -79,3 +79,8 @@
     return KSAsteroid::findGeocentricPosition( num, Earth );
+void KSPluto::findMagnitude(const KSNumbers*)
+    setMag( -1.01 + 5*log10(rsun() * rearth())  + 0.041*phase().Degrees() );
--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skyobjects/kspluto.h #986288:986289
@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@
     virtual bool findGeocentricPosition( const KSNumbers *num, const KSPlanetBase *Earth=NULL );
+    virtual void findMagnitude(const KSNumbers*);
     //The base orbital elements for J2000 (these don't change with time)
     double a0, e0;
     dms i0, w0, M0, N0;
--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skyobjects/kssun.cpp #986288:986289
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@
     return (odm.loadData(odc, "earth") != 0);
+// We don't need to do anything here
+void KSSun::findMagnitude(const KSNumbers*) {}
 bool KSSun::findGeocentricPosition( const KSNumbers *num, const KSPlanetBase *Earth ) {
     if (Earth) {
--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skyobjects/kssun.h #986288:986289
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@
     	*@p Earth pointer to earth object
     virtual bool findGeocentricPosition( const KSNumbers *num, const KSPlanetBase *Earth=NULL );
+    virtual void findMagnitude(const KSNumbers*);
 long double equinox(int year, int d, int m, int angle);

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