[Kstars-devel] Proposal for removal

Khudyakov Alexey alexey.skladnoy at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 14:04:00 CEST 2009


One constructor in KSAsteriod class is broken. However it's not used. 
Namely it's

	*@note For use by KSPluto, which inherits from this class. Sets the slope 
parameter to -1.
    	*@p s the name of the asteroid
    	*@p image_file the filename for an image of the asteroid
    	*@p JD the Julian Day for the orbital elements
    	*@p a the semi-major axis of the asteroid's orbit (AU)
    	*@p e the eccentricity of the asteroid's orbit
    	*@p i the inclination angle of the asteroid's orbit
    	*@p w the argument of the orbit's perihelion
    	*@p N the longitude of the orbit's ascending node
    	*@p M the mean anomaly for the Julian Day
    	*@p H absolute magnitude
    KSAsteroid( const QString &s, const QString &image_file,
                long double JD, double a, double e, dms i, dms w, dms N, dms 
M, double H);

I propose to remove it and force class user to make dubious assumptions by 

Another candidates for removal are getOrbinalElement methods in KSComet and 
KSAsteriod classes. 
    bool getOrbitalElements( long double *_JD, double *_a, double *_e, 
                             dms *_i, dms *_w, dms *_N, dms *_M );

They were used only in copy constructors. Now they aren't used anywhere.
They are not really convenient and easy to use. So I propose to remove them 
and replace with more convenient accessors if need arise.

  Khudyakov Alexey

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