[Kstars-devel] branches/kstars/summer/kstars/kstars/comast

Prakash Mohan prak902000 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 05:39:31 CEST 2009

SVN commit 1002824 by prakash:

Replacing the plain QString passed to  warningOverwrite() by i18n strings.

CCMAIL: kstars-devel at kde.org

 M  +4 -4      equipmentwriter.cpp  

--- branches/kstars/summer/kstars/kstars/comast/equipmentwriter.cpp #1002823:1002824
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
     Comast::Scope *s = ks->data()->logObject()->findScopeByName( ui.Id->text() );
     if( s ) {
-        if( Comast::warningOverwrite( "Another Scope already exists with the given Id, Overwrite?" ) == KMessageBox::Yes ) {
+        if( Comast::warningOverwrite( i18n( "Another Scope already exists with the given Id, Overwrite?" ) ) == KMessageBox::Yes ) {
             s->setScope( ui.Id->text(), ui.Model->text(), ui.Vendor->text(), ui.Type->text(), ui.FocalLength->value() );
         } else
             return; //Do nothing
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
     Comast::Eyepiece *e = ks->data()->logObject()->findEyepieceByName( ui.e_Id->text() );
     if( e ){
-        if( Comast::warningOverwrite( "Another Eyepiece already exists with the given Id, Overwrite?" ) == KMessageBox::Yes ) {
+        if( Comast::warningOverwrite( i18n ( "Another Eyepiece already exists with the given Id, Overwrite?" ) ) == KMessageBox::Yes ) {
             e->setEyepiece( ui.e_Id->text(), ui.e_Model->text(), ui.e_Vendor->text(), ui.Fov->value(), ui.FovUnit->text(), ui.e_focalLength->value() );
         } else
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
     Comast::Lens *l = ks->data()->logObject()->findLensByName( ui.l_Id->text() );
     if( l ){
-        if( Comast::warningOverwrite( "Another Lens already exists with the given Id, Overwrite?" ) == KMessageBox::Yes ) {
+        if( Comast::warningOverwrite( ( "Another Lens already exists with the given Id, Overwrite?" ) ) == KMessageBox::Yes ) {
             l->setLens( ui.l_Id->text(), ui.l_Model->text(), ui.l_Vendor->text(), ui.l_Factor->value() );
         } else
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
     Comast::Filter *f = ks->data()->logObject()->findFilterByName( ui.f_Id->text() );
     if( f ){
-        if( Comast::warningOverwrite( "Another Filter already exists with the given Id, Overwrite?" ) == KMessageBox::Yes ) {
+        if( Comast::warningOverwrite( ( "Another Filter already exists with the given Id, Overwrite?" ) ) == KMessageBox::Yes ) {
             f->setFilter( ui.f_Id->text(), ui.f_Model->text(), ui.f_Vendor->text(), ui.f_Type->text(), ui.f_Color->text() );
         } else

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