[Kstars-devel] KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skycomponents

Akarsh Simha akarshsimha at gmail.com
Wed Jan 14 18:42:57 CET 2009

SVN commit 911040 by asimha:

For a more realistic picture, are to be represented as very bright
stars (as they appear in the sky) when zoomed out. Zooming in replaces
the 'star' by the image of the planet.

This patch uses StarObject::draw() to draw stars of appropriate
spectral types to represent the planets.

CCMAIL: kstars-devel at kde.org

 M  +59 -40    solarsystemsinglecomponent.cpp  

--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skycomponents/solarsystemsinglecomponent.cpp #911039:911040
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
     float Width = map->scale() * map->width();
 //    float Height = map->scale() * map->height();
-    float sizemin = 4.0;
+    float sizemin = 1.0;
     if ( ksp()->name() == "Sun" || ksp()->name() == "Moon" ) sizemin = 8.0;
     sizemin = sizemin * map->scale();
@@ -122,52 +122,71 @@
     //Is planet onscreen?
     if ( ! map->onScreen( o ) ) return;
+    float fakeStarSize = ( 10.0 + log10( Options::zoomFactor() ) - log10( MINZOOM ) ) * ( 10 - ksp()->mag() ) / 10;
+    if( fakeStarSize > 15.0 ) 
+        fakeStarSize = 15.0;
     float size = ksp()->angSize() * map->scale() * dms::PI * Options::zoomFactor()/10800.0;
-    if ( size < sizemin ) size = sizemin;
+    if ( size < fakeStarSize && ksp()->name() != "Sun" && ksp()->name() != "Moon" ) {
+        // Draw them as bright stars of appropriate color instead of images
+        QString SpecType;
+        KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance();
+        SpecType = "B0";
+        if( ksp()->name() == i18n("Mars") ) {
+            SpecType = "K5";
+        }
+        if( ksp()->name() == i18n("Jupiter") || ksp()->name() == i18n("Mercury") || ksp()->name() == i18n("Saturn") ) {
+            SpecType = "F5";
+        }
+        StarObject fakeStar( 0, 0, 0, QString(), QString(), SpecType, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false, false, 0); // TODO: Choose the spectral type based on the colour
+        if( size < 1.0 )
+            size = 1.0;
+        fakeStar.draw( psky, o.x(), o.y(), fakeStarSize, (data->colorScheme()->starColorMode() == 0), data->colorScheme()->starColorIntensity(), false );
+    }
+    else {
+        //Draw planet image if:
+        if ( size < sizemin ) size = sizemin;
+        if ( Options::showPlanetImages() &&  //user wants them,
+             //FIXME:					int(Options::zoomFactor()) >= int(zoommin) &&  //zoomed in enough,
+             ! ksp()->image()->isNull() &&  //image loaded ok,
+             size < Width ) {  //and size isn't too big.
-    //Draw planet image if:
-    if ( Options::showPlanetImages() &&  //user wants them,
-            //FIXME:					int(Options::zoomFactor()) >= int(zoommin) &&  //zoomed in enough,
-            ! ksp()->image()->isNull() &&  //image loaded ok,
-            size < Width ) {  //and size isn't too big.
+            //Image size must be modified to account for possibility that rotated image's
+            //size is bigger than original image size.  The rotated image is a square
+            //superscribed on the original image.  The superscribed square is larger than
+            //the original square by a factor of (cos(t) + sin(t)) where t is the angle by
+            //which the two squares are rotated (in our case, equal to the position angle +
+            //the north angle, reduced between 0 and 90 degrees).
+            //The proof is left as an exercise to the student :)
+            dms pa( map->findPA( ksp(), o.x(), o.y() ) );
+            double spa, cpa;
+            pa.SinCos( spa, cpa );
+            cpa = fabs(cpa);
+            spa = fabs(spa);
+            size = size * (cpa + spa);
-        //Image size must be modified to account for possibility that rotated image's
-        //size is bigger than original image size.  The rotated image is a square
-        //superscribed on the original image.  The superscribed square is larger than
-        //the original square by a factor of (cos(t) + sin(t)) where t is the angle by
-        //which the two squares are rotated (in our case, equal to the position angle +
-        //the north angle, reduced between 0 and 90 degrees).
-        //The proof is left as an exercise to the student :)
-        dms pa( map->findPA( ksp(), o.x(), o.y() ) );
-        double spa, cpa;
-        pa.SinCos( spa, cpa );
-        cpa = fabs(cpa);
-        spa = fabs(spa);
-        size = size * (cpa + spa);
+            //Quick and dirty fix to prevent a crash.
+            //FIXME: Need to figure out why the size is sometimes NaN
+            if ( isnan( size ) ) {
+                size = 10.0;
+            }
-				//Quick and dirty fix to prevent a crash.
-				//FIXME: Need to figure out why the size is sometimes NaN
-				if ( isnan( size ) ) {
-					size = 10.0;
-				}
+            //Because Saturn has rings, we inflate its image size by a factor 2.5
+            if ( ksp()->name() == "Saturn" ) size = int(2.5*size);
-        //Because Saturn has rings, we inflate its image size by a factor 2.5
-        if ( ksp()->name() == "Saturn" ) size = int(2.5*size);
+            //FIXME: resize_mult ??
+            //				if (resize_mult != 1) {
+            //					size *= resize_mult;
+            //				}
-        //FIXME: resize_mult ??
-        //				if (resize_mult != 1) {
-        //					size *= resize_mult;
-        //				}
-        ksp()->scaleRotateImage( size, pa.Degrees() );
-        float x1 = o.x() - 0.5*ksp()->image()->width();
-        float y1 = o.y() - 0.5*ksp()->image()->height();
-        psky.drawImage( QPointF(x1, y1), *( ksp()->image() ) );
+            ksp()->scaleRotateImage( size, pa.Degrees() );
+            float x1 = o.x() - 0.5*ksp()->image()->width();
+            float y1 = o.y() - 0.5*ksp()->image()->height();
+            psky.drawImage( QPointF(x1, y1), *( ksp()->image() ) );
+        }
+        else { //Otherwise, draw a simple circle.
+            psky.drawEllipse( QRectF(o.x()-0.5*size, o.y()-0.5*size, size, size) );
+        }
-    else { //Otherwise, draw a simple circle.
-        psky.drawEllipse( QRectF(o.x()-0.5*size, o.y()-0.5*size, size, size) );
-    }
     //draw Name
     if ( ! Options::showPlanetNames() ) return;

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