[Kstars-devel] Popup menu usability

Khudyakov Alexey alexey.skladnoy at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 23:35:22 CET 2009


Kstars has very nice popup menu althrough it far from perfection. It doesn't 
display very important characteristics such as magnitude. It is not very 
consistent: sometimes it has three rows, sometimes four. 

Here is my proposal to improve it. 
   Object name 
   Object type, main characteristics
[row 2 could be splitted in two if it turns out to be too long]

* Object name 
If object has proper name it should be provided too. 

For star 'object name' is its bayer designation or flamsteed designation or 
any other catalog name (e.g. HD###). 

For deep-sky object it's catalog name. As for Messie and NGC catalogs it's 
better to provide both.  

For planets, Moon and Sun it's unsurprisingly it's name. 

For any other kind of object 'object name' is its catalog name. 

* Object type. 
Obvious. I'm only think that "solar system" for planets and sun etc. is a bit 
of misnomer. Planets are _part_ of Solar System not Solar System itself.

* main characteristics. 
Stars: magnitude, spectral class (if available)
deep-sky: magnitude, angular size
planets: magnitude, angular size 

I'm working slowly on patch to cover this functionality.

Any comments, suggestion, ideas?

  Khudyakov Alexey

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