[Kstars-devel] [PATCH] Support of non-western constellations

Jérôme SONRIER jsid at emor3j.fr.eu.org
Thu Nov 13 15:47:36 CET 2008


I have just test the patch with Henry-Draper.idx file. Here is what I 
can say :

Now, StarComponent::findByHDIndex() finds the following stars :

HIP	Bayer	HD
28171    -      40086
91812    -      174123
103512   -      199631
114622   -      219134

For the following stars, findByHDIndex() search in Henry-Draper.idx but 
return 0 because offset <= 0 :

HIP     Bayer	  HD
1599    zet Tuc   1581
2021    bet Hyi   2151
2762    13_Cet    3196
8102    Tau Cet   10700
15510   e_Eri     20794
19849   omi2_Eri  26965
26221   e1_Ori_C  37022
37279   alp_CMi   61421
55203   xi_UMa    98230
71683   alp1_Cen  128620
78072   gam_Ser   142860
85112   rho_Her   157779
99240   del Pav   190248

For the following stars, findByHDIndex() search in Henry-Draper.idx and 
return a star, but when kstars paints constellations lines, another 
star is used :

17467   -	23204   HD199631 is used when lines are painted
10777   -	14164   HD40086 is used when lines are painted
59872   -	106775  HD40086 is used when lines are painted
60900   -	108643  HD40086 is used when lines are painted
61542   -	109685  HD40086 is used when lines are painted
79545   -	145937  HD40086 is used when lines are painted
80016   -	147082  HD40086 is used when lines are painted
80862   -	148804  HD40086 is used when lines are painted
114     -	224882  HD40086 is used when lines are painted

Thanks Akarsh for the Henry-Draper.idx file and sorry to answer so late.


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