[Kstars-devel] Making all sky components static

Akarsh Simha akarshsimha at gmail.com
Sat Jun 21 01:52:06 CEST 2008

> Have you considered making SBF a singleton?  Would that solve this 
> problem cleanly?   Are you saying that multiple StarComponents  would
> have difficulty sharing the same StarBlockFactory?  

Yes. That might be a good idea.

> I ask because I think (someday in the future) we may want to have more 
> than one StarComponent instance.  Here is one way it might go.  First 
> we would split up StarComponent into NamedStarComponent and 
> DeepStarComponent as we've discussed before.  Then we would make the 
> star data file (and hence the mesh size) a DeepStarComponent ctor 
> parameter and this is how we would support multiple mesh sizes for
> deep catalogs.  But all the DeepStarComponents should share the same
> StarBlockFactory (I think), otherwise there will be tremendous wastage
> since blocks used when we are way zoomed in couldn't be recycled for use 
> when we are zooming out.

But then, I currently have a static QList< StarBlockList *> as
well. That will cause problems if we go with this.

I don't know why I made the StarBlockLists static, though. I'll take
another look and see why this was necessary, and decide if this was
really necessary.

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