[Kstars-devel] HOWTO add an INDI driver?

Aleksander Schwarzenberg-Czerny alex at camk.edu.pl
Sat Dec 6 01:24:17 CET 2008

I wrote a linux driver for Andor CCD camera, basing
on Andor opensource SDK library. I would like to configure it as an INDI 
driver. I found a tutorial on/sample INDI drivers, but was hampered by 
lack of 
info how to compile/link/add this driver into kstars menu? Could you point 
me to the right place?

Andor makes line of excellent yet expensive cameras for 
spectroscopic/direct applications in astronomy and(mainly) biology.
Let me know if you think such a driver were of interest for the
kstars community?

The driver constitutes part of our work on control of
Poznan University robotic spectroscopic 0.45m telescope with precision 
Echelle spectrograph. So fare the whole system operates under bare-bones 
ad-hoc software. Present plan is to integrate our packages as INDI drivers 
and to adapt an existing INDI client (kstars?) for the spectroscopic work.

Best regards,
Alex Schwarzenberg-Czerny

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