[Kstars-devel] KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars

James Bowlin bowlin at mindspring.com
Fri Aug 17 00:24:39 CEST 2007

On Thu August 16 2007 3:46 pm, Jason Harris wrote:
> What do you think about embedding a progressbar temporarily in the
> main window status bar, rather than showing a splash window for this?

On my system bumping the faint limit from 6.0 to 10.0 takes about 10
seconds even with the stars.dat file cached.  During this time KStars
is unresponsive.  Since people should already associate the splash
screen with the loading of data, I think the splash screen in the
center of the skymap is the way to go.  Otherwise, people will notice
that KStars is unresponsive but not notice the status bar and file
bug reports.  If we can predict the re-loading is going to be quick
then I think the status bar would be a better option for those cases.

But it is easy to change.  The splash screen was just a few lines
so I am happy to try something different or defer to your judgment
if you would prefer we use the status bar.  Delaying the re-load
for one cycle wouldn't change because that is used to repaint a
possible void left by the setup menu before the re-loading delay.

My main concern was to get the message string into the code before
the string freeze. I'm currently using:

   i18n("Please wait while loading faint stars ...") 

If you or anyone else would prefer something different, just LMK.
I don't really care as long as we have something reasonable before
the freeze.

Peace, James

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