[Kstars-devel] KDE/kdeedu/kstars

Jasem Mutlaq mutlaqja at ikarustech.com
Sat Mar 25 14:13:58 CET 2006

SVN commit 522394 by mutlaqja:

The V4L philips used to make call to V4L2 interface only, while the user might only have V4L1. While I made such checks across the code, I forgot to do so at one section and it broke compilation for a few of you. I also made sure that a warning message will show up if V4L2 is not detected properly.

Can you please try this patch and see if it resolves the problem? You need to call unsermake -f Makefie and friends.

CCMAIL: kstars-devel at kde.org

 A             configure.in.bot  
 M  +2 -9      configure.in.in  
 M  +4 -0      kstars/indi/v4lphilips.cpp  

--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/configure.in.in #522393:522394
@@ -76,15 +76,8 @@
 	 if test x$have_v4l2 = xfalse; then
 	    KERNEL_VERSION=`uname -r`
-	                  [AC_MSG_WARN([])
-			   AC_MSG_WARN([])
-			  AC_MSG_WARN([We cannot locate videodev2.h in /usr/include/linux])
-			  AC_MSG_WARN([])
-			  AC_MSG_WARN([This file is responsible for V4L2 in KStars])
-			   AC_MSG_WARN([This file is correct in /lib/modules/$KERNEL_VERSION/build/include])
-			   AC_MSG_WARN([It is recommended that you copy this file and videodev.h to /usr/include/linux])
-			   AC_MSG_WARN([])
-			   ])
+	                  [have_v4l2=true]
+			  [have_v4l2=false])
--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/indi/v4lphilips.cpp #522393:522394
@@ -504,7 +504,11 @@
   switch (PowerS[0].s)
      case ISS_ON:
+      #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV2_H
       if (v4l_base->connectCam(PortT[0].text, errmsg, V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420) < 0)
+      #else
+      if (v4l_base->connectCam(PortT[0].text, errmsg) < 0)
+      #endif
 	  PowerSP.s = IPS_IDLE;
 	  PowerS[0].s = ISS_OFF;

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