[Kstars-devel] Photo mosaic ?

Jasem Mutlaq mutlaqja at ikarustech.com
Wed Jun 21 22:03:31 CEST 2006

Hello Emmanuel,

--- Emmanuel Chaput <manu at manu-chaput.net> wrote:

>     Hello !
>     Could Kstars be used to build photo mosaics ?
> Given a few
> parameters (a target, a number of pictures, ...),
> could it drive
> a telescope and a camera to take all the pictures ?
> Is the
> scripting language rich enough for this ?

The INDI scripting in KStars is limited by you can use
a few functions from the script builder tool to
accomplish your task.

For more complex scripting, use INDI's scripting
tools. They're low-level but you can do anything you
want with them. INDI scripting tools are shipped with
the official INDI distribution (http://indi.sf.net). 

You can find more information on scripting here:



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