[Kstars-devel] sending object name thorugh indi interface

Michael Olberg michael.olberg at chalmers.se
Sun May 15 09:00:14 CEST 2005

You are amazingly fast, thanks a lot.

The reason for using my own GUI is mainly that it existed already before 
I started
to look at kstars and indi. It can display spectra, store and retrieve 
them as FITS
files (which have a number of agreed upon keywords typical for spectral 
line data and
normally not present in FITS images) and has a few controls for 
controlling the
21cm receiver, like frequency settings, noise diode on/off etc. But 
hooking up kstars
to this is great. Radio astronomy done during day time lacks a bit of 
the "oh"s and "ah"s
that optical astronomy can deliver in a dark night. Kstars brings some 
of that awe back.
Thanks a lot.

I'll try and build kstars from source, I have so far used binary 
packages on a
Debian sarge system. I hope I have the libraries and header files that 
will be required.


Jasem Mutlaq wrote:

>On Saturday 14 May 2005 11:08 am, Michael Olberg wrote:
>>I am controlling our 2.3m student radio telescope through kstars/indi.
>>The indi server is a small GUI I wrote using Qt, which allows to control
>>the telescope stand-alone (i.e. without kstars) and to take spectra and
>>display them. kstars is mainly used to easily track solar system objects
>>(Sun mainly) and to quickly find locations within the milky way.
>>I would like kstars to not only send RA,Dec when tracking a source,
>>but also the name of the object (e.g. Sun) so that the information would
>>end up as part of the header of my spectra. I realise I can create a text
>>property which I could access through the indi control panel, but that
>>would require that I fill in the information by hand, wouldn't it?
>>Do I need to patch kstars for this or can it be done with the current
>>(or future ;-)) version?
>Hello Michael,
>I just updated KStars so that it sends the object name if available to the 
>drivers automatically on Slew/Track/Sync operations. On the driver side, you 
>need to define ITextVectorProperty with name "OBJECT_INFO" which includes 1 
>IText member with name "OBJECT_NAME". If KStars finds such a property, it 
>will send the object name. Refer to apmount.[h,cpp] for an example.
>To get the latest KStars, check it out from the SVN repository:
>svn checkout svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdeedu
>then make -f Makefile.cvs, configure, make, and make install...etc
>You said you developed your own INDI GUI client in Qt? I'm just curious to 
>know if you developed that because KStars lacked some functionality in that 
>regard (i.e. INDI GUI generation).
>Clear skies,

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