[Kstars-devel] updating star names

mph mph at emotrics.com
Thu Jun 2 03:27:04 CEST 2005

Hi all.

Before embarking on my previously mentioned goal of creating alternate name 
lists for different culture star/constellation names, etc.  I started  
reviewing the current dataset for KStars.  I have suggestions for 22 new star 
names and 145 new Bayer/Flamsteed designations for hip001.dat.  I also found 
four presumed errors.  As no one answered my last email, I don't know the 
appropriate procedure to make files available to the list.  I have therefore 
made my list of suggested changes available as a file on my website at 
I also created a new version of the hip001.dat file which includes these 
changes so I could play with it.  Let me know the procedure to review these 
suggested changes.  Does this need a version number?  How does with fit in 
with CVS (which I still have never used)?

If anyone finds errors, I'd appreciate feedback here or through my website.

In this process, I also ran into a few questions and issues:

I have never heard of the following star names from hip001.dat or could not 
find in my resources.  I would love the references that supply them 
(presumably from Jason who I'm guessing did all the prior data editing by 

eps Cas: Navi
xi Her: Marfik (I'm familiar using it for kappa Her)
Al Nair : alp Ind (I'm only familiar for alpha Gru)

I noticed that the constellation outline for Eri includes a star of Cetus.  
Perhaps I'll need to do a review of that clines data at some point...

This review also brought up for me a concern about using Bayer/Flamsteed 
designations as a primary key for our data.  These designations are not 
unique, and it seems more appropriate to use the HIP number if we are using 
the HIP database.  I'm not sure if it is worth the change, but problems can 
arise.  Bayer used his designations for multiple stars.  (Pi Ori originally 
referred to 6 different stars!).  HD162003 and HD162004 are both psi Dra (or 
31 Dra if you use Flamsteed).  This also raises questions about whether 
alpha1 or alpha2 in a binary pair should bear the name for a pair of stars.  
(I vote for the brighter one, but that wasn't consistent in our data)

This process also brought up a few new wish list items for me:
1) Can we stop the display of the word 'star' in the display for stars without 
a name.  When you set the display to something like 'show magnitude < 5.2' it 
unnecessarily adds to the clutter.  (Of course, I don't mind it for the cool 
roll over effect!)
2) Consider making 'Find' work for both Bayer designation and Common Name 
(right now they are exclusive).  I found this helpful in my job of trying to 
figure out if a star had a common name in our database, but I would think 
most people would want to be able to find alpha Ceti without having to know 
its name is Menkar.  This would solve the related problem of having two stars 
with the same common name (eg. Gienah).
I'm not sure if the telescope users would want it, but I also thought it might 
be nice to be able to search based on HIP or HD number.  Of course, the data 
structures would have to be rewritten which could be a mess.  If someone does 
want to tackle it, I'd be happy to work on the data portion.
3) Different display modes where only Bayer designations are listed or only 
the Common Names rather than the current mix of both.  This might not be an 
issue if we implement the previously discussed idea of modes to display 
alternative names (from other cultures or particular references like the 
Almagest).  This would be nice if you are only interested in one type of name.

Looking forward to your feedback,


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