[Kstars-devel] Adding a catalog

Jasem Mutlaq mutlaqja at ikarustech.com
Wed Mar 3 04:32:21 CET 2004


Anyone planning on "Adding a catalog" dialog? It should be able to parse 
different formats and allow users to select delimeters, map data fields and 

In addition to the regular data fields like RA, DEC, epoch etc.., it would be 
exciting if we can allow the user to define new fields that KStars doesn't 
natively support (like a magnetic parameter for example). We can then parse 
those fields in an "Additional Data" tab in the details dialog.

This can be later embedded in the startup wizard. I'll add this item on my 
TODO list after I finish work with the FITS stuff, unless someone else wants 
to implement it.


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