[Kstars-devel] kdeedu/kstars/kstars

Jason Harris kstars at 30doradus.org
Sun Jul 25 23:35:29 CEST 2004

CVS commit by harris: 

There is now a "magnifying glass" mouse cursor, which is shown while 
Ctrl+LMB are pressed (this is the mode to define a "zoom box")

CCMAIL: kstars-devel at kde.org

  M +35 -0     skymap.cpp   1.144
  M +4 -0      skymap.h   1.65
  M +4 -1      skymapevents.cpp   1.96

--- kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skymap.cpp  #1.143:1.144
@@ -1191,7 +1191,42 @@ bool SkyMap::unusablePoint (double dx, d
+void SkyMap::setZoomMouseCursor()
+        mouseMoveCursor = false;        // no mousemove cursor
+        QPainter p;
+        QPixmap cursorPix (32, 32); // size 32x32 (this size is compatible to all systems)
+// the center of the pixmap
+        int mx = cursorPix.     width() / 2;
+        int my = cursorPix.     height() / 2;
+        cursorPix.fill (white);  // white background
+        p.begin (&cursorPix);
+        p.setPen (QPen (black, 2));     // black lines
+        p.drawEllipse( mx - 7, my - 7, 14, 14 );
+        p.drawLine( mx + 5, my + 5, mx + 11, my + 11 );
+        p.end();
+// create a mask to make parts of the pixmap invisible
+        QBitmap mask (32, 32);
+        mask.fill (color0);     // all is invisible
+        p.begin (&mask);
+// paint over the parts which should be visible
+        p.setPen (QPen (color1, 3));
+        p.drawEllipse( mx - 7, my - 7, 14, 14 );
+        p.drawLine( mx + 5, my + 5, mx + 12, my + 12 );
+        p.end();
+        cursorPix.setMask (mask);       // set the mask
+        QCursor cursor (cursorPix);
+        setCursor (cursor);
 void SkyMap::setDefaultMouseCursor()
         mouseMoveCursor = false;        // no mousemove cursor
         QPainter p;
         QPixmap cursorPix (32, 32); // size 32x32 (this size is compatible to all systems)

--- kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skymap.h  #1.64:1.65
@@ -895,4 +895,8 @@ private:
         void setDefaultMouseCursor();
+/**@short Sets the shape of the mouse cursor to a magnifying glass.  
+        */
+        void setZoomMouseCursor();
 /**Check if the current point on screen is a valid point on the sky. This is needed
         *to avoid a crash of the program if the user clicks on a point outside the sky (the

--- kdeedu/kstars/kstars/skymapevents.cpp  #1.95:1.96
@@ -562,7 +562,9 @@ void SkyMap::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEv
                 ksw->zoom( Options::zoomFactor() * factor );
+                setDefaultMouseCursor();
                 ZoomRect = QRect(); //invalidate ZoomRect
         } else {
+                setDefaultMouseCursor();
                 ZoomRect = QRect(); //just in case user Ctrl+clicked + released w/o dragging...
@@ -597,4 +599,5 @@ void SkyMap::mousePressEvent( QMouseEven
         if ( (e->state() & ControlButton) && (e->button() == LeftButton) ) {
                 ZoomRect.moveCenter( e->pos() );
+                setZoomMouseCursor();
                 update(); //refresh without redrawing skymap

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