[Kstars-devel] INDI update

Jasem Mutlaq mutlaqja at ikarustech.com
Wed Jan 7 22:49:03 CET 2004

On Wednesday 07 January 2004 7:44 am, Jason Harris wrote:
> Wow, CCD support in KStars!  Excellent.  How do you get them to ship
> you a CCD?  Just email them?  Have you tried SBIG yet?

As far as SBIG goes, it's doesn't appear likely that we'll ever get full 
support. They're 100% closed sourse (vs. 100% open-source FLI). This 
complicates things a lot, their drivers are linux and kernel and glibc 
specefic. I'm still willing to give SBIG a chance, but after finishing up 
FLI, and Apogee. 

Clear skies,
- Jasem

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