[Kstars-devel] kdeedu/kstars/kstars

Jason Harris kstars at 30doradus.org
Wed Feb 4 23:46:56 CET 2004

CVS commit by harris: 

Adding options to control new constellation boundaries:

CBoundColor, including entries in the 4 predefined color schemes
drawConstellBounds (controls whether the boundaries are drawn)
hideCBounds (controls whether they are hidden while slewing.

Options have been added to all parts of the code, including the DCOP function "changeViewOption()" and the Script Builder tool.

One potential TODO: the "constellation lines" toggle button in the toolbar should maybe toggle boundaries as well.  Or perhaps boundaries should have their own toggle button?

Don't forget "make install"; the color scheme files need to be reinstalled.

CCMAIL: kstars-devel at kde.org

  M +3 -0      colorscheme.cpp   1.15
  M +6 -2      kstars_options_handling.cpp   1.41
  M +1 -1      kstarsdata.cpp   1.115
  M +4 -2      kstarsdcop.cpp   1.20
  M +8 -4      kstarsoptions.cpp   1.44
  M +2 -1      kstarsoptions.h   1.39
  M +51 -37    opsadvanced.ui   1.10
  M +10 -2     opsguides.ui   1.8
  M +4 -0      scriptbuilder.cpp   1.22
  M +3 -4      skymapdraw.cpp   1.44
  M +2 -2      skymapevents.cpp   1.80
  M +6 -0      viewopsdialog.cpp   1.55
  M +1 -0      data/chart.colors   1.10
  M +1 -0      data/default.colors   1.10
  M +1 -0      data/moonless-night.colors   1.3
  M +1 -0      data/night.colors   1.10

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