[kstars-devel] analysis of memory consumption (again)

Heiko Evermann Heiko.Evermann at gmx.de
Mon Sep 1 23:03:47 CEST 2003

Hi everyone,

another try:

 >    StarObject *o = new StarObject(r, d, mag, name, gname, SpType, 
pmra, pmdec, plx, mult, var );
 >    StarObject *p = new StarObject(r, d, mag, name, gname, SpType, 
pmra, pmdec, plx, mult, var );
 >    starList.append(o);

(construct the object twice, but do not append the second instance => 
produce a memory leak.
This leads to 179 MB memory consumption.

=> 2MB are used for the list management in starlist.append(o)

So the 200 bytes memory that keep disappearing must somehow be used 
inside a star object, but where?


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