[Kstars-devel] stupd C++ question

Mark Hollomon markhollomon at comcast.net
Mon Sep 1 16:26:48 CEST 2003

my sscanf is a little rusty, but this would seem to be a job better left to 
perl or python or something.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $line = "064509.25";

my ($rah, $ram, $ras) = unpack("a2a2a5", $line);

# force to numbers, not really necessary. but the output will look more
# as expected.
($rah, $ram, $ras) = map { $_+0 } ($rah, $ram, $ras);

print join(":", $rah, $ram, $ras), "\n";

# or as a one liner....
# print join(":", map{ $_+0} unpack("a2a2a5", $line)), "\n";

On Monday 01 September 2003 15:03, Jason Harris wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to write a straight C++ program to parse the star catalog,
> so I can add some additional genitive names I found.  I usually use
> fortran for these little 20-line programs, but it isn't flexible enough
> for this purpose.  I'm afraid I am a bit lost without my Qt/KDE
> crutches! :)
> Why doesn't this simple program work?
> -----------------------------
> #include <iostream>
> #include <cstring>
> using namespace std;
> int main() {
>   int rah, ram;
>   float ras;
>   char *line = "064509.25";
>   sscanf( line, "%2d%2d%5.2f", &rah, &ram, &ras );
>   cout << rah << ":" << ram << ":" << ras << endl;
> }
> -----------------------------
> When I run it, I get:
> 6:45:3.98821e-34
> Why isn't the third field getting set to "9.25"?
> thanks for any ideas,
> Jason

Mark Hollomon

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