[Kstars-devel] kdeedu/kstars/kstars

Jason Harris kstars at 30doradus.org
Thu Oct 16 08:00:34 CEST 2003

CVS commit by harris: 

Several small fixes:

Fixed compiler warning messages due to deprecated functions:
- KAccel::stringToKey(QString) --> KShortCut(QString).keyCodeQt()
- TimeDialog: KDatePicker::getDate() --> KDatePicker::date()

"Configure KStars" action now has shortcut (Ctrl+O)

slotPrint warning box regarding sky color now offers Cancel button

Tracking item in Pointing menu now has text that toggles between 
"Engage &Tracking" and "Stop &Tracking", depending on current tracking 

Settings|Infoboxes submenu items now have accelerator keys

Finally, I tried to make the TimeDialog close when "Esc" is pressed,
by explicitly adding a keyPressEvent().  However, it still doesn't work;
it just beeps when Esc is pressed.  I believe the KDatePicker 
widget is catching the Esc keypress.  We may have to subclass KDatePicker
if we want this to work.  I'll have a look at the kicker clock code, 
because Esc does make its popup KDatePicker close.  Let me know if you 
have any ideas on this.

CCMAIL: kstars-devel at kde.org

  M +12 -8     kstarsactions.cpp   1.75
  M +6 -6      kstarsdcop.cpp   1.18
  M +31 -31    kstarsinit.cpp   1.73
  M +15 -1     timedialog.cpp   1.12
  M +2 -1      timedialog.h   1.8

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