[Kstars-devel] 3.2 QA list
Jason Harris
kstars at 30doradus.org
Tue Oct 7 12:46:40 CEST 2003
Hi everyone,
I have once again compiled a "Quality Assurance" list for KStars, to guide our
debugging efforts for the 3.2 release. It is just a big list of every
behavior I could think of that KStars is supposed to do. The idea is to go
through the list, and make sure KStars does each of them as expected.
Much of the list seems really obvious, and not even worth checking. However,
in the past when I have done this I have been suprised each time by some
small thing that should have worked, but didn't. So I do think it's useful
to be exhaustive.
The list is attached. Please review it and add any items or sections I may
have missed. If you have time to perform the actual checks, there's probably
no need to report the results on the list unless there's a problem.
Note that there are already a couple items marked as not working correctly.
KStars: A K Desktop Planetarium
-------------- next part --------------
List of tests for KStars for KDE 3.2:
C = Correct behavior
B = Bug associated with this function (mostly works)
X = Does not work
(o): This feature is optional; active and disabled states
should be tested
I. Mouse Navigation.
Moving mouse shows the current sky coordinates of the mouse
cursor in the status bar.
_ Click with mouse identifies nearby object in statusbar.
_ The object's Long Name is shown.
_ If more than one
object is nearby, selection priority is based on
object catalog or type:
Solar system > Messier > NGC > IC > Star
_ Mouse events outside of the valid mapping region are ignored.
_ (o) Double-click attaches a label to the nearest object, centers
it in the display, and engages tracking. The label uses the
object's Primary Name. The label is temporary, and is removed
when object is no longer centered.
_ Click and drag moves the skymap such that the position of the
cursor on the sky remains roughly constant. Doing this
disengages tracking.
_ Click-and-drag with Ctrl pressed draws a rectangle on the map
that defines the new area to be displayed when the LMB is
_ Click-and-drag with MMB zooms in and out according to the
vertical motion of the mouse.
_ Right-click opens a context-sensitive popup menu (see below).
_ Scrolling the mouse wheel zooms the display in and out.
II. Keyboard Navigation
_ Arrow keys scroll the display.
_ Holding Shift doubles the scroll speed.
_ Pressing N,S,E,W keys centers the display on the cardinal points
of the horizon. Pressing Z centers on the Zenith.
_ +/- Zooms the display in and out.
_ The numbers 0-9 center on a major solar system body (0 is the sun,
3 is the moon; the rest are in order from Mercury to Pluto).
III. Menu Functions (check keyboard shortcuts as well)
File Menu:
_ New Window: opens secondary KStars window [Ctrl+N]
_ Close Window: closes current KStars window [Ctrl+W]
_ Save Sky Image: exports current sky image to disk [Ctrl+I]
_ Run Script: executes a DCOP script [Ctrl+R]
_ Print: Print the current skymap [Ctrl+P]
_ Quit: Exit application [Ctrl+Q]
Time Menu:
_ Set Time to Now [Ctrl+E]
_ Set Time... (see Dialogs) [Ctrl+S]
_ Start/Stop Clock [toggle]
Pointing Menu:
_ Zenith/North/East/South/West [Z/N/E/S/W]
_ Set Focus Manually... (see Dialogs) [Ctrl+M]
_ Find Object... (see Dialogs) [Ctrl+F]
_ Track Object [toggle] [Ctrl+T]
View Menu:
_ Zoom In [+; Ctrl++]
_ Zoom Out [-; Ctrl+-]
_ Default Zoom [Ctrl+Z]
_ Zoom to Angular size... [Ctrl+Shift+Z]
_ - dialog is preloaded with current angular size value
_ - dialog does not accept out-of-range values
_ Equatorial/Horizontal Coordinates [Space] [toggle]
Settings Menu:
_ Show Infoboxes [toggle]
_ Show TimeBox [toggle]
_ Show GeoBox [toggle]
_ Show FocusBox [toggle]
_ Show Main Toolbar [toggle]
_ Show View Toolbar [toggle]
Color Schemes:
_ shows all available schemes, predefined and custom
_ All color-settings change properly upon selecting new scheme
_ All color-settings persistent on reload
_ Schemes appear in menu upon creation in options dialog
_ Schemes are removed from menu upon removal in options dialog
FOV Symbols:
_ None/7x35 Binos/One Degree/HST present by default, but may be removed
X Checkbox drawn by current selection
_ Edit FOV Symbols... launches tool (see Dialogs)
_ Set Geographic Location... (see Dialogs)
_ Configure KStars... (see Dialogs)
_ Calculator (see Dialogs)
_ AAVSO Light Curve Generator (see Dialogs)
_ Altitude vs. Time (see Dialogs)
_ What's Up Tonight? (see Dialogs)
_ Script Builder (see Dialogs)
_ Solar System Viewer (see Dialogs)
_ Jupiter Moons Tool (see Dialogs)
_ HandBook [F1]
_ Tip of the Day
_ Report Bug...
_ About KStars
_ About KDE
IV. Toolbars
Main Toolbar:
_ Quit, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Default Zoom, Track, Find,
GeoLocation, Configure, Set Time, Handbook,
Start/Stop Clock
_ TimeStep widget adjusts time step
_ First pair of buttons cycles through every timestep
_ Second pair of buttons cycles through even-unit timesteps
_ Cannot set value outside allowed range
_ Entering a value manually does nothing
_ Zoom buttons disabled when at limit of zoom range
_ Track button is auto-toggled whenever an object is centered
View Toolbar:
_ Stars, Deep sky, Solar system, Const. Lines, Const. names,
Milky Way, Grid, Ground/Horizon: toggle display of appropriate
_ Some are "meta-options", these should interact properly
with the individual options
V. Center and Track
_ Center on Object
_ Center on Nothing
_ Track on Object
_ Track on Nothing
_ Ask to confirm if new position is below horizon
_ Ask for reposition if startup position is below horizon
VI. InfoBoxes
_ Highlight on click
_ Shade on double click
_ Move on drag
_ collision detection is robust
_ edge sticking is robust
_ remember positions and shade states on restart
VII. Dialogs
_ Prints image of the current skymap (without infoboxes or FOV symbols)
_ Asks to reset color scheme if sky color is not white.
_ Color scheme properly reset after printing
_ The printed image is reasonably similar to the screen image
Set Time:
_ Time set correctly
_ Fails gracefully on invalid date/time
Find Object:
_ Filter by name and/or object-type works
_ Warning message if selected object is below horizon
_ center and track on selected object
_ No action if no valid object selected
Set Focus Manually:
_ Resets focus to given coordinates, engages tracking
_ Both RA/Dec and Alt/Az modes work
_ Epoch box works in RA/Dec mode
B Fails gracefully on invalid coordinates
Set Geographic Location:
_ Sets location to highlighted city in listbox
_ red cross on map at position of selected city
_ Map pins highlighted for cities which match filters
_ The three name filters work as expected
_ clicking in map selects nearby cities
_ data for selected city is presented at bottom
_ "Explain DST rules" launches window listing DST rules
_ "Clear fields" clears the data fields
_ When data fields are modified and both city and country fields
are filled, the "Add to List" button is activated, and
correctly adds the custom location to the list.
_ Newly added custom location is selected in the list
_ Custom locations loaded on subsequent restarts.
Configure KStars:
_ In general: all changes are reflected immediately, but revert
if "Cancel" is selected
+ Catalogs:
_ checkboxes toggle display of catalogs (stars/Messier/NGC/IC)
_ Faint limits for stars work
_ Max zoom-out faint limit restricted to zoom-in limit value
_ Faint limits for deep-sky work
_ Max zoom-out faint limit restricted to zoom-in limit value
_ Star-name faint limit and name/mag checkboxes for stars work
_ Add custom catalog opens a window to specify name of a
custom catalog file, and name for the catalog.
_ Warn user if any lines in custom catalog could not be parsed
_ Do not add catalog if no lines could be parsed
_ Custom catalog objects added properly
_ Custom catalog can be removed
+ Solar System:
_ checkboxes toggle display of bodies (sun/moon/planets/comets/asteroids)
_ Select All/Select None buttons work
_ "use name labels"/"use images" checkboxes work
_ asteroid faint limits works (1: display; 2: names)
_ comet radial limit for names works
_ planet trail checkboxes work
_ "Clear all trails" button works
_ checkboxes toggle display (CLines/CNames/MW/Grid/Equat./Eclip./Horz./Ground)
_ Select constellation-name style (Latin/Localized/Abbreviated) works
_ The CName button group is disabled when constell. name is unchecked
_ Fill MW works, and is disabled when MW checkbox is unchecked
_ Selectable colors present for all customizable items in the skymap.
_ Updating a color by clicking on it in the list works
_ Star color mode combobox works
_ star color intensity spinbox works
_ selecting a color scheme sets colors in the map, and in the
"Current Colors" listbox
_ "Save Current Colors" asks for a name for the new scheme, then adds
it to the list of schemes. Also added to Settings|Color schemes submenu
_ "Remove color scheme" only activated if custom scheme is highlighted
_ Checkboxes work as expected
_ The "minimum timescale to hide" timeBox works
All modules behave as expected:
_ Apparent coordinates
_ Equatorial/Galactic
_ Horizontal coordinates
_ Precession
_ Geodetic coordinates
_ Day duration
_ Julian day
_ Sidereal time
Batch modes work as expected:
_ Apparent coordinates
_ Equatorial/Galactic
_ Precession
_ Geodetic
AASVO Light Curves:
_ Selecting a name auto-selects the designation (and vice versa)
_ Selecting custom Start/end dates works
_ Fails gracefully if start date is after end date
_ plot average days works
_ checkboxes work as expected
_ update function works
Altitude vs. Time:
_ Entering an object name plots its curve
_ Pressing "Enter" in name box adds the named object if it exists in database;
otherwise, the input focus moves to the RA field.
_ "Browse" button launches Find Object window; selection is plotted
(and selection's coords displayed below)
_ Entering a non-matching name and RA and Dec coords adds custom object curve
_ Fails gracefully if RA or Dec are invalid (does not add object)
_ "Clear Fields" button works
_ "Clear List" button works
_ Refuses to add the same object twice
_ Highlighting item in listbox highlights its curve in the plot, and
displays that object's data in the Sources tab
_ Resetting Date and/or Location updates the curves and redraws the plot
What's Up Tonight:
_ Shows summary of all objects visible on the night of the current
simulation date from the current location, divided into categories.
_ Evening/Morning/All Night combobox works
_ Sun and Moon rise/set times match those in popup menu
_ "More Information" launched Details window for selected object
_ General Tab: object data properly displayed
_ Links Tab: attached links displayed; add/edit/remove link buttons work
_ Advanced Tab: access to online databases works as expected
_ Log Tab: attaching text to an object works, is persistent across restarts
Script Builder:
_ Function Browser lists all available DCOP functions (check w/kdcop)
_ Highlighting function in browser shows doc in lower panel
_ Add a function to the working script with dble-click or left-arrow button
_ Highlighting function in current script box shows its arg. widget below
_ arg widget values preserved when changing functions
_ remove function from working script with right-arrow button
_ copy function in working script with circle-arrow ("reload") button
_ move function in working script with up/down arrow buttons
_ File operation buttons (New/Open/Save/SaveAs) work
_ "Test Cript" button works
_ Saved script can be executed from command line
_ Saved script can be executed with File|Run Script action
_ Attempt to close window with unsaved changes triggers warning
Solar System Viewer:
_ Displays position of planets for the current simulation time/date
_ Planet labels present
_ +/- keys zoom in/out
Jupiter Moons Tool:
_ Plotted moon positions relative to Jupiter match display
_ Check positions against similar charts (e.g., by Sky & Telescope)
_ Name labels correct
_ +/- keys stretch timescale
_ [/] keys move central date
_ make sure it works ;)
_ Telescope wizard
_ Device Mgr
_ Control Panel
_ Configure...
IX. Popup Menu
_ Contexts work: nothing, star (named/unnamed), solar system, skyobject
_ Name(s) display properly
_ Rise/Set/Transit times (check for circumpolar/never_rises too)
_ Center & Track (on nothing, on object)
_ Details
_ Attach Label (to named object only)
_ Attach Trail (to solar system object only)
_ ImageViewer (check save function)
_ Add custom URL
X. Error handling
Missing data files:
_ critical file: exit program with error message
_ non-critical file: show error message, continue loading
Invalid entry data:
_ try to enter invalid data whenever possible to make sure it fails
XI. DCOP functions
_ Use kdcop to test the dcop functions
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