KST Live Data

Barth Netterfield barth.netterfield at gmail.com
Tue Oct 4 17:25:22 BST 2022

Yes: Viewing data appended to a file is the intended use of kst. When 
the file grows, the new data will be read and the plots updated (when in 
count from end mode or read to end mode).

By default, kst reads white space separated collums of data.

eg, imaging a file called data.txt which contains

1  1
2  4
3  9
4  16

To read this you might enter from the command line:

kst2 data.txt -x 1 -y 2

Or you can read the file from the data wizard in the GUI.

As a side note, the documentation you referenced is obsolete, and refers 
to a very old version of kst.

The current documentation is at:



On 2022-10-04 11:31, Jacob Watts wrote:
> Hello KST,
> I'm interested in plotting live data. I wrote a python script to write 
> data to a .txt file every n number of seconds. I'm wondering if this 
> is an appropriate way to port data into the kst2 software. I would 
> like to be able to record data to a .txt file or comparable file 
> format. I'm hoping to port serial data to the kst2 program with a baud 
> rate of 115200 or 9600. I haven't been able to find anything online 
> that discusses this process. I'm thinking that I'll run into the 
> problem of writing to the file at the same time as I'm trying to read 
> it with kst2. Any advice would be appreciated. Or a simple tutorial 
> somewhere would be great.
> I've reference https://kst-plot.kde.org/kst1/handbook/index.html and 
> https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kst/
> I'm fairly familiar with python, c++, c. I also have a dual boot 
> computer with Ubuntu and Windows 10. I'm currently running kst2 on 
> Windows 10.
> Kst2 Software: Kst Kst-2.0.x-2019.02.06-17.17 Revision 
> 74197368b1e8acb46aee8ae724dc8402e02b5a17
> --
> Jacob Watts
> Weber State ECE Electrical Engineering Student
> Email: jacobwatts at mail.weber.edu
> Website: wattsjake.github.io <http://wattsjake.github.io>
Barth Netterfield 416-845-0946
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