Kst - Plot problem

b. s. bekirsaritepeci at gmail.com
Thu Dec 29 20:20:13 GMT 2022

Dear KDE-Kst community,

I am writing to ask for assistance with the Kst-Plot application. I have
been trying to compile and run it using QT Creator,
but I keep receiving errors.
I have tried all of the alternative methods I can think of,
including trying CMake with QT 6, 5, and 4, and also on a Linux system, but
nothing has worked.

Is there a solution you can suggest to help me successfully run Kst-Plot on
QT Creator?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Bekir Saritepeci

I write the methods I tried below:

*To run Kst-Plot with Qt Creator, you will need to follow these steps:*

*Make sure you have Qt Creator installed on your computer. You can download
it from the Qt website (https://www.qt.io/download
<https://www.qt.io/download>).Clone the Kst-Plot repository using Git or
checkout with SVN using the web URL: https://github.com/KDE/kst-plot.git
<https://github.com/KDE/kst-plot.git>Open Qt Creator and click on "Open
Project".Navigate to the folder where you cloned the Kst-Plot repository
and select the file "CMakeLists.txt".Click "Open" to open the project in Qt
Creator.Qt Creator will automatically create a build configuration for the
project. You can build and run the project by clicking on the "Run" button
in the bottom left corner of the window.If you encounter errors when
building or running the project, you may need to resolve them by
configuring the project settings or fixing any issues with the code. *

*You can try looking for solutions online or ask for help on forums or
online communities for Qt and Kst-Plot.www.qt.io <http://www.qt.io>Download
Qt | Develop Desktop & Embedded Systems | QtDownload Qt, the software that
allows you to reach all your target platforms — desktop and embedded
systems — and try out our UI and UX design tools.*
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