[Kst] problem getting real-time graph running

Dan Field dan_field at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 29 23:17:25 UTC 2015

Hi All:

I am trying to start running a real-time graph via a Kst file (see
attached) and the command line (kst2 -F <datafilepath> <kstfilepath>).  
When Kst starts, it certainly sees the session file as it loads the 3
plots, but they're empty even though the specified data file is being
actively written to.  Interestingly though, if I open the data wizard
(but do nothing else), the plots become populated and actively start
adding live data as I expected to see right from the start.  If I close
the data wizard, the plots no longer are added to.  Opening the wizard
back up, the plots become live again.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?  I've attached the session file.  This
was created essentially by manually creating a session with the plots I
wanted and saving it.

Thanks in advance!


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