[Kst] Kst-2.0.8 : support for NetCDF *.nc files broken ?
Rix, Patrick
Patrick.Rix at Senvion.com
Tue May 27 14:00:03 UTC 2014
Hello Peter,
thank you for pointing me to the right download place. That version from your link to kst-plot.github.io works well and correctly recognizes *.nc files !
..although I did not succeed to see the statistics data of any of the imported time series - I thought it might have been an issue with the older version, but obviously it's not.
So what am I doing wrong ? Is there a special trick to get the statistics output ?
Best regards,
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: kst-bounces at kde.org [mailto:kst-bounces at kde.org] Im Auftrag von kst-request at kde.org
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Mai 2014 14:00
An: kst at kde.org
Betreff: Kst Digest, Vol 133, Issue 15
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Today's Topics:
1. Kst-2.0.8 : support for NetCDF *.nc files broken ?
(Rix, Patrick)
2. [Kst-plot/kst] aed602: enable builds with date (Peter K?mmel)
3. Re: Release June 2 (Peter K?mmel)
4. Re: Kst-2.0.8 : support for NetCDF *.nc files broken ?
(Peter K?mmel)
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 09:12:01 +0000
From: "Rix, Patrick" <Patrick.Rix at Senvion.com>
To: "kst at kde.org" <kst at kde.org>
Subject: [Kst] Kst-2.0.8 : support for NetCDF *.nc files broken ?
<21FC96284C256341A43D9F159FFEA2851C0B57F5 at sp1090ex0001.inter.rsag.site>
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Dear Kst developers,
I just tried the latest version of Kst (2.0.8 rc2) and found that the support for NetCDF files seems to have disappeared, i.e. *.nc files are not recognized any more while in Version 2.0.7 they were.
Is this behavior intentional ?
Best regards,
Patrick Rix.
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Senvion SE * Sitz: Hamburg * Vorstand: Andreas Nauen (Vorsitz), Marcus A. Wassenberg, Russell Stoddart, Lars Rytter, Alex De Ryck * Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Tulsi Tanti * Registergericht: AG Hamburg (Mitte) HRB Nr.: 118644
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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 02:52:38 -0700
From: Peter K?mmel <syntheticpp at gmx.net>
To: kst at kde.org
Subject: [Kst] [Kst-plot/kst] aed602: enable builds with date
<5384606650802_5d665a9d444576f at hookshot-fe2-cp1-prd.iad.github.net.mail>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Branch: refs/heads/master
Home: https://github.com/Kst-plot/kst
Commit: aed602cdd25ad0d9f871b181b5639aa28b85bfd4
Author: Peter K?mmel <syntheticpp at gmx.net>
Date: 2014-05-27 (Tue, 27 May 2014)
Changed paths:
M cmake/travis.sh
Log Message:
enable builds with date
Message: 3
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 11:55:43 +0200
From: Peter K?mmel <syntheticpp at gmx.net>
To: kst at kde.org
Subject: Re: [Kst] Release June 2
Message-ID: <5384611F.9090508 at gmx.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
On 22.05.2014 21:47, Barth Netterfield wrote:
> Hi,
> I think the last of the memory leak bugs we've been seeing are done
> with (famous last words)
> So I think we should schedule a release for June 2. I will need to
> inform i18n that we plan to do this, after which time we need to be in
> UI string freeze.
> In the intervening time, we can try to:
> -solve the linking bug with the fits tables plugin. Otherwise it
> won't be part of 2.0.8...
I don't have linker errors here.
But makes it sense to build both fits plugins? Don't they have to somehow manage which plugin is responsible for a fits file?
> -try to fix the "Interpolation crashes with NaN's bug. (334701)
> -Maybe fix the "X-Axis Scale Time/Date format is not
> saved/reloaded" bug
> (329817)
> But lets be super careful we don't add any new bugs in the process. I
> would really like 2.0.8 to be stable. (wouldn't we all...)
> I'll inform i18n tomorrow if there are no issues with this plan.
> Thoughts?
> cbn
Message: 4
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 12:01:55 +0200
From: Peter K?mmel <syntheticpp at gmx.net>
To: kst at kde.org
Subject: Re: [Kst] Kst-2.0.8 : support for NetCDF *.nc files
broken ?
Message-ID: <53846293.1020308 at gmx.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
On 27.05.2014 11:12, Rix, Patrick wrote:
> Dear Kst developers,
> I just tried the latest version of Kst (2.0.8 rc2) and found that the
> support for NetCDF files seems to have disappeared, i.e. *.nc files are not recognized any more while in Version 2.0.7 they were.
> Is this behavior intentional ?
> Best regards,
> Patrick Rix.
Hi Patrick,
thanks for reporting. Could you please retry with the 32bit build from here:
Kst mailing list
Kst at kde.org
End of Kst Digest, Vol 133, Issue 15
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Senvion SE • Sitz: Hamburg • Vorstand: Andreas Nauen (Vorsitz), Marcus A. Wassenberg, Russell Stoddart, Lars Rytter, Alex De Ryck • Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Tulsi Tanti • Registergericht: AG Hamburg (Mitte) HRB Nr.: 118644
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