[Kst] Kst Crash

Ben Lewis egretengineering at gmail.com
Sun Jan 5 00:59:17 UTC 2014

Hi Peter,

I think I've just found a big clue to this problem.

To prevent the crash I can do the following:

1. Open Kst
2. Set the update rate to the maximum of 60000ms (Settings > Configure Kst > General > Period 
between updates)
3. Use the data wizard to open a live data file. (Note, the wizard is now way way quicker to use 
with a large update period. With an update period of 1000ms or less it could take up to half an hour 
to get through the wizard. Now the wizard completes with no perceivable delay).
4. Once the file is loaded set the update period to a lower number e.g. 1000ms
5. The live data file loads with no crash

It seems that regular updates should be disabled during the use of the ASCII Wizard and during the 
first read. Once loaded, regular updates can resume. What do you think?


On 2/01/2014 1:25 AM, Ben Lewis wrote:
> Peter,
> With larger file sizes (>5MB) there is no way to load the data file without Kst crashing. To get 
> around this I can use the "Count from end" option in the Data Wizard. Using any number less than 
> about 60,000 rows works pretty reliably, more than this an Kst crashes.
> Ben
> On 2/01/2014 1:10 AM, Ben Lewis wrote:
>> Peter,
>> I spoke too soon. Kst still crashes when trying to load live data files larger than about 4MB 
>> (even with 100ms updates). I think I must have had a good run in my initial testing because it's 
>> crashed quite a few times now.
>> Ben
>> On 2/01/2014 12:43 AM, Ben Lewis wrote:
>>> Hi Peter,
>>> I've changed my application so that it now writes to my CSV file every 100 ms (instead of every 
>>> 10ms). Kst has not crashed since I've made this change.
>>> Kst is configured to update every 1000 ms so I'm not sure why this makes a difference. Possibly 
>>> my application was not providing sufficient time for Kst to read the file between my write cycles.
>>> I'll do some more testing with larger file sizes and get back to you.
>>> Ben
>>> On 1/01/2014 12:01 PM, Ben Lewis wrote:
>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>> When Kst crashes the log file always shows that the INDEX and Column1 vectors are read twice 
>>>> (see "kst crash1.png"). When the data file loads successfully Kst only reads each vector once 
>>>> (see "kst success1.png").
>>>> Small files (< 100k rows, < 4MB) do not trigger this double read. My application updates the 
>>>> CSV data file with approximately 15 rows every 10ms.
>>>> Ben
>>>> On 23/12/2013 8:45 PM, Peter Kümmel wrote:
>>>>> Hi Ben,
>>>>> thanks for the video.
>>>>> But currently I don't have access to your test data,
>>>>> and I can't reproduce it with the gyro test data.
>>>>> I plot the graphs and change the data with help of
>>>>> Notepad++, but it doesn't crash. Do you have an idea
>>>>> how to reproduce the crash?
>>>>> Peter
>>>>> On 19.12.2013 14:34, Ben Lewis wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>>>> Here is an example of a crash. I had to repeat these same steps about 5 times to get this
>>>>>> to happen, so it's pretty intermittent.
>>>>>> The attached screen cast can be played withVLC player
>>>>>> <http://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.html>.
>>>>>> Please let me know if there is anything more I can do.
>>>>>> Cheers, Ben

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