[Kst] NetCDF Data Compression (Packing) via signed 16-Bit-Integers (type SHORT INT)
Rix, Patrick
Patrick.Rix at repower.de
Thu Mar 7 07:52:50 UTC 2013
Hi Nicolas,
this sort of auto-conversion triggered by the presence of those two scaling-attributes is exactly what I had in mind !
Thank you very much for taking care of that !
Have a nice day !
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Nicolas Brisset [mailto:nicolas.brisset at free.fr]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 7. März 2013 00:09
An: Rix, Patrick
Betreff: Re: AW: [Kst] NetCDF Data Compression (Packing) via signed 16-Bit-Integers (type SHORT INT)
Hi Patrick,
Thanks for the detailed explanations. It is quite clear to me and should be easy to do. I'll have a look at it, but I'm very busy these days so dont hold your breath!
I'd tend towards the easy route: if those 2 attributes are found, apply the transformations unconditionally and save the effort of a GUI config dialog.
I'll send info on the list when there are news. Stay tuned!
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