[Kst] Website - Resources not working

Nicolas Brisset nicolas.brisset at free.fr
Sat Aug 31 10:37:26 UTC 2013


> As I have a quite exotic ASCII input format, I would like to tune the
> settings. All the dialogs/options seem to be available in the GUI,
> but I'm missing manual or help pages.
Yes, unfortunately we don't have an updated user manual for Kst 2.x (yet�, but the concepts from Kst 1.x still apply for the largest part, so if you're familiar with Kst 1.x you should have no problem getting up to speed with the newer version.
That said, the ASCII datasource has been vastly improved!
Normally, to load data from an ASCII file you go to Tools -> Data Wizard, then you select the file to load, which should be recognized as ASCII, in which case you only have to click on the "Configure..." button and define your settings.
It you have more detailed questions, please post a sample of your file or ask a more precise question on this list so that we can help you further.

> On the website, there is a resources section, but this one does not work.
Could you be more precise please? I can fix broken links etc, but I don't understand your problem.
> Could you point me to a manual/help/pages/... for kst 2.0
Unfortunately not... Hopefully someone will pick up this task someday.


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