[Kst] branches/work/kst/portto4/kst

Nicolas Brisset nicolas.brisset at free.fr
Thu Oct 4 20:57:27 UTC 2012

Hi Joshua!

> There are some serious issues which prevent Kst from being useful yet
> on the PlayBook.
> Here are some I noticed:
>   - some of the controls are too small - a touch-oriented stylesheet
>   should be written
>   - some of the dialogs are too big, and so it's impossible to get
>   out of them
>   - the equation editor is glitchy
>   - there is no way to access view item context menus
Hum, still sounds a bit limited for real work. I don't how long it took you to get there, but it's a pretty nice step anyway.
To really target small form factors we should probably develop a specific UI, though.
Time to really get into QML/QtQuick?
Speaking about equatione editor, your changes are pretty neat (auto-completion). The only problem I have is that the mouse does not work to edit the fields. Maybe linked?
> I don't think it would take much work to make this viable. What does
> Kst think? Could this be useful?
It could certainly be useful. Especially for industrial scope, telemetry surveillance, etc. I think the PlayBook is pretty cheap, being able to run a powerful scope on such low-cost harware could even open up some interesting business perspectives, and - who knows - attract new developers and users?


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