[Kst] Fixed Differentiation Time Step

Barth Netterfield netterfield at astro.utoronto.ca
Mon Jul 23 21:49:42 UTC 2012

The fixed step differentiation plugin, like all of the filter plugins,
assumes a constant sample rate (which, in this case, is a parameter in the
plugin).  In other words, it probably isn't what you want :-(

One could ~easily write a plugin which would take both X and Y and do what
you want....  Use one of the fit plugins as a template.

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 4:39 PM, Jason Cipriani <jason.cipriani at gmail.com>wrote:

> I'm a little confused about the time step parameter to the fixed
> differentiation plugin.
> I have a data file with two columns: "Time" and "Value", where "Time" is
> the time in seconds (and may not be in regular intervals) and "Value" is
> the value at that time.
> Using the import wizard I import the Value vector and create a curve vs
> Time.
> If I run the fixed differentiation plugin on the Value vector, how does
> the time step parameter relate to "Time"?
> Thanks!
> J
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C. Barth Netterfield
University of Toronto
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