[Kst] branches/work/kst/portto4/kst/pyKst

Barth Netterfield netterfield at astro.utoronto.ca
Tue Dec 11 05:08:09 UTC 2012

SVN commit 1328064 by netterfield:

Add some filters to scripting.

 M  +3 -0      demo/dataobjects.py  
 M  +194 -0    pykst.py  

--- branches/work/kst/portto4/kst/pyKst/demo/dataobjects.py #1328063:1328064
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
 GYCurve=kst.NewCurve(client,dataVectorIndex, dataVectorGY1, curvecolor="blue", curveweight=1, placeinexistingplot=P1)
+Filter = kst.NewBandStopFilter(client, dataVectorGY1, 4, 0.05, 0.01)
+FiltCurve = kst.NewCurve(client,dataVectorIndex, Filter.Y(), curvecolor="red", curveweight=1, placeinexistingplot=P1)
 GYEquation=kst.NewEquation(client, "x^2", dataVectorIndex)
 GYEqCurve = kst.NewCurve(client,GYEquation.X(), GYEquation.Y(), curvecolor="black", curveweight=1, placeinexistingplot=P2)
--- branches/work/kst/portto4/kst/pyKst/pykst.py #1328063:1328064
@@ -1123,6 +1123,200 @@
+# FILTER ###################################################################
+class Filter(NamedObject) :
+  """ This is a class which provides some methods common to all filters """
+  def __init__(self,client) :
+    NamedObject.__init__(self,client)
+  def Y(self) :
+    """ a vector containing the filtered output  """
+    YHandle = QtCore.QString(self.client.send("DataObject::outputVectorHandle("+self.handle+", Y Vector)"))
+    return ExistingVector(self.client, YHandle)
+# LOW PASS FILTER #################################################################
+class LowPassFilter(Filter) :
+  """ This is a class which some convenience classes within pykst use. You should not use it directly.
+  TODO: edit functions..."""
+  def __init__(self,client) :
+    NamedObject.__init__(self,client)
+class NewLowPassFilter(LowPassFilter) :
+  """ This class represents a filter you would create via "Create>Filter Plugin->Low Pass Filter" from the menubar inside kst or by using
+  "rmb->filter->[curvename], and then selecting "Low Pas Filter" in the plugin combo. The parameters of this function mirror the parameters within
+  the latter dialog."""
+  def __init__(self,client,yvector,order_in, cutoff_in,name="") :
+    LowPassFilter.__init__(self,client)
+    if isinstance(order_in, Scalar):
+      order = order_in
+    else :
+      order = GeneratedScalar(client, order_in);
+    if isinstance(cutoff_in, Scalar):
+      cutoff = cutoff_in
+    else :
+      cutoff = GeneratedScalar(client, cutoff_in);
+    QtCore.QString(self.client.send("newPlugin(Low Pass Filter)"))
+    QtCore.QString(self.client.send("setInputVector(Y Vector,"+yvector.handle+")"))
+    QtCore.QString(self.client.send("setInputScalar(Order Scalar,"+order.handle+")"))
+    QtCore.QString(self.client.send("setInputScalar(Cutoff / Spacing Scalar,"+cutoff.handle+")"))
+    self.handle=QtCore.QString(self.client.send("endEdit()"))
+    self.handle.remove(0,self.handle.indexOf("ing ")+4)
+class ExistingLowPassFilter(LowPassFilter) :
+  """ This class allows access to an Linear Fit created inside kst or through a script given a descriptive or short name.
+  handle is a descriptive or short name of a Linear Fit created inside kst or through a script. """
+  def __init__(self,client,handle) :
+    LowPassFilter.__init__(self,client)
+    self.handle=handle
+# HIGH PASS FILTER #################################################################
+class HighPassFilter(Filter) :
+  """ This is a class which some convenience classes within pykst use. You should not use it directly.
+  TODO: edit functions..."""
+  def __init__(self,client) :
+    NamedObject.__init__(self,client)
+class NewHighPassFilter(HighPassFilter) :
+  """ This class represents a filter you would create via "Create>Filter Plugin->High Pass Filter" from the menubar inside kst or by using
+  "rmb->filter->[curvename], and then selecting "High Pas Filter" in the plugin combo. The parameters of this function mirror the parameters within
+  the latter dialog."""
+  def __init__(self,client,yvector,order_in, cutoff_in,name="") :
+    HighPassFilter.__init__(self,client)
+    if isinstance(order_in, Scalar):
+      order = order_in
+    else :
+      order = GeneratedScalar(client, order_in);
+    if isinstance(cutoff_in, Scalar):
+      cutoff = cutoff_in
+    else :
+      cutoff = GeneratedScalar(client, cutoff_in);
+    QtCore.QString(self.client.send("newPlugin(High Pass Filter)"))
+    QtCore.QString(self.client.send("setInputVector(Y Vector,"+yvector.handle+")"))
+    QtCore.QString(self.client.send("setInputScalar(Order Scalar,"+order.handle+")"))
+    QtCore.QString(self.client.send("setInputScalar(Cutoff / Spacing Scalar,"+cutoff.handle+")"))
+    self.handle=QtCore.QString(self.client.send("endEdit()"))
+    self.handle.remove(0,self.handle.indexOf("ing ")+4)
+class ExistingHighPassFilter(HighPassFilter) :
+  """ This class allows access to an Linear Fit created inside kst or through a script given a descriptive or short name.
+  handle is a descriptive or short name of a Linear Fit created inside kst or through a script. """
+  def __init__(self,client,handle) :
+    HighPassFilter.__init__(self,client)
+    self.handle=handle
+# BAND PASS FILTER #################################################################
+class BandPassFilter(Filter) :
+  """ This is a class which some convenience classes within pykst use. You should not use it directly.
+  TODO: edit functions..."""
+  def __init__(self,client) :
+    NamedObject.__init__(self,client)
+class NewBandPassFilter(BandPassFilter) :
+  """ This class represents a filter you would create via "Create>Filter Plugin->Band Pass Filter" from the menubar inside kst or by using
+  "rmb->filter->[curvename], and then selecting "Band Pas Filter" in the plugin combo. The parameters of this function mirror the parameters within
+  the latter dialog."""
+  def __init__(self,client,yvector,order_in, central_in, bandwidth_in,name="") :
+    BandPassFilter.__init__(self,client)
+    if isinstance(order_in, Scalar):
+      order = order_in
+    else :
+      order = GeneratedScalar(client, order_in);
+    if isinstance(central_in, Scalar):
+      central = central_in
+    else :
+      central = GeneratedScalar(client, central_in);
+    if isinstance(bandwidth_in, Scalar):
+      bandwidth = bandwidth_in
+    else :
+      bandwidth = GeneratedScalar(client, bandwidth_in);
+    QtCore.QString(self.client.send("newPlugin(Band Pass Filter)"))
+    QtCore.QString(self.client.send("setInputVector(Y Vector,"+yvector.handle+")"))
+    QtCore.QString(self.client.send("setInputScalar(Order Scalar,"+order.handle+")"))
+    QtCore.QString(self.client.send("setInputScalar(Central Frequency / Sample Rate Scalar,"+central.handle+")"))
+    QtCore.QString(self.client.send("setInputScalar(Band width Scalar,"+bandwidth.handle+")"))
+    self.handle=QtCore.QString(self.client.send("endEdit()"))
+    self.handle.remove(0,self.handle.indexOf("ing ")+4)
+class ExistingBandPassFilter(BandPassFilter) :
+  """ This class allows access to an Linear Fit created inside kst or through a script given a descriptive or short name.
+  handle is a descriptive or short name of a Linear Fit created inside kst or through a script. """
+  def __init__(self,client,handle) :
+    BandPassFilter.__init__(self,client)
+    self.handle=handle
+# BAND STOP FILTER #################################################################
+class BandStopFilter(Filter) :
+  """ This is a class which some convenience classes within pykst use. You should not use it directly.
+  TODO: edit functions..."""
+  def __init__(self,client) :
+    NamedObject.__init__(self,client)
+class NewBandStopFilter(BandStopFilter) :
+  """ This class represents a filter you would create via "Create>Filter Plugin->Band Stop Filter" from the menubar inside kst or by using
+  "rmb->filter->[curvename], and then selecting "Band Pas Filter" in the plugin combo. The parameters of this function mirror the parameters within
+  the latter dialog."""
+  def __init__(self,client,yvector,order_in, central_in, bandwidth_in,name="") :
+    BandStopFilter.__init__(self,client)
+    if isinstance(order_in, Scalar):
+      order = order_in
+    else :
+      order = GeneratedScalar(client, order_in);
+    if isinstance(central_in, Scalar):
+      central = central_in
+    else :
+      central = GeneratedScalar(client, central_in);
+    if isinstance(bandwidth_in, Scalar):
+      bandwidth = bandwidth_in
+    else :
+      bandwidth = GeneratedScalar(client, bandwidth_in);
+    QtCore.QString(self.client.send("newPlugin(Band Stop Filter)"))
+    QtCore.QString(self.client.send("setInputVector(Y Vector,"+yvector.handle+")"))
+    QtCore.QString(self.client.send("setInputScalar(Order Scalar,"+order.handle+")"))
+    QtCore.QString(self.client.send("setInputScalar(Central Frequency / Sample Rate Scalar,"+central.handle+")"))
+    QtCore.QString(self.client.send("setInputScalar(Band width Scalar,"+bandwidth.handle+")"))
+    self.handle=QtCore.QString(self.client.send("endEdit()"))
+    self.handle.remove(0,self.handle.indexOf("ing ")+4)
+class ExistingBandStopFilter(BandStopFilter) :
+  """ This class allows access to an Linear Fit created inside kst or through a script given a descriptive or short name.
+  handle is a descriptive or short name of a Linear Fit created inside kst or through a script. """
+  def __init__(self,client,handle) :
+    BandStopFilter.__init__(self,client)
+    self.handle=handle
+# IMAGE #################################################################
 class Image(NamedObject) :
   """ This is a class which some convenience classes within pykst use. You should not use it directly.

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