[Kst] Handling of missing data source files

Ben Lewis egretengineering at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 01:46:39 UTC 2012

Hi kst list,

When I move the location of my data file (relative to my Kst file) I get the following error on 
attempting to open my Kst file:

*Error opening document 'path/to/kst/file':
Maybe it is a Kst1 file which could not be read by Kst2.*

I recently got this error due to a corrupted .kst file, so I went hunting through my .kst file to 
find the source of the problem.

As it turned out, this error was due to a change in the location of my data file.

I imagine that this would be a common problem, so I think it should generate a more useful error, like:

*Error: Cannot find data source "path/to/data/source/filedatasourcefilename"*

An even better solution would be to have a dialogue box that informs the user that one or more data 
files are missing. For each missing data file the user is presented with three options:

1. Ignore - the kst file still opens but with data missing
2. Browse - opens a dialogue box for the user to browse for the missing file
3. Cancel - the .kst file is not loaded

If others think this is ok I will submit it as a feature request.

Regards, Ben
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