[Kst] WG: MAT file plugin for kst

Brisset, Nicolas Nicolas.Brisset at eurocopter.com
Tue Jan 11 09:00:33 CET 2011

For information. It seems that adding support for Matlab files should not be too hard. I think that'd be a pretty interesting thing. Maybe we should discuss priorities a bit?



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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Thomas Beutlich [mailto:mail at tbeu.de]
> Gesendet: Montag, 10. Januar 2011 21:13
> An: Brisset, Nicolas
> Betreff: Re: MAT file plugin for kst
> Hi Nicolas,
> if it has to be portable then I recommend to use Christopher Hulbert's
> open source MAT File I/O Library
> (http://sourceforge.net/projects/matio) to read and write MAT files. That
> was also the way how I added preliminary MAT file support
> for FreeMat which is also Qt based. The matio lib supports MAT files of
> version 4 and 5 (also zip compressed ones) and its
> development is pretty stable now. Basically it is only a question of
> mapping the kst data types to the ones of the matio lib. The
> FreeMat code is also open source, however my MAT file plugin for Total
> Commander does not use the matio lib but rather depends on
> the original MATLAB dependencies libmat and libmx.
> Do you think you can manage it? Or maybe you can provide the framework and
> GUI based on the sample plugin and I can later add the
> data binding.
> Regards
> Thomas
> -----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Brisset, Nicolas [mailto:Nicolas.Brisset at eurocopter.com]
> Gesendet: Montag, 10. Januar 2011 17:48
> An: support at tbeu.de
> Betreff: MAT file plugin for kst
> Hi,
> I'm a user and hobby-developer of the open-source plotting tool kst (kst-
> plot.kde.org). Kst reads data from a number of file formats
> and allows plotting the data, mainly 2D for now. It has a plugin
> architecture that makes it easy to add support for more file types.
> One of the file types that I'd like to see support for is Matlab's .mat
> file.
> I have already looked quickly at the online specification of the format,
> but before trying to implement something from scratch I
> thought it would be better to look at what already exists. I found your
> name somewhere around freemat, where you are mentioned as
> having provided substantial support for that. I don't know if you'd be
> interested in adding .mat support to kst too, or at least
> willing to share some code. Kst is Qt4-based and runs on all major
> platforms. The code therefore has to be portable.
> Don't hesitate to give feedback,
> Best regards,
> Nicolas

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