[Kst] Refresh kst documentation for kst2.x

Anirudh Chauhan chauhan.anirudh07 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 08:20:33 UTC 2011

I have removed dcop file from index, because reading from online
documentation it is written -" Kst 1 has some features that Kst 2 does not
yet have, in particular dcop bindings "

I also tried to make a small simpledata.dat file and tried opening it, but
it said, the file cannot be opened,

ERROR : File is malformed and encountered an error while reading.

Maybe it is a Kst 1 file which could not be read by Kst 2.

So I am removing this part.

I have added a screenshot, to show basic kst view.

I haven't made any changes to tutorial.docbook

Removed common task part.   I would have liked to add information for the
workflow, but it would require a lot of time. So leaving it out presently.

I also observed that following plugins from kst1, were not working *
  *fits_nonlinear/gaussian         *also removed gaussianequation.png
  *fits_nonlinear/lorentzian*        also removed its corresponding png

I know there are a lot of other plugins that have become obsolete, can you
tell me the source, from where I can check that. I can only pinpoint these
from the documentation. So removed there documentation.

Also there is no formats supported entry in index, do u want me to create
one. I am generating svn diff for the whole folder now and uploading(just
to be safe), but I will keep adding changes till the deadline


On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 10:01 AM, Anirudh Chauhan <
chauhan.anirudh07 at gmail.com> wrote:

> One more thing I need to ask, Is all the documentation in present
> docbooks, copied from kst1, or have there been any changes ?
> On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 8:46 AM, Anirudh Chauhan <
> chauhan.anirudh07 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> HI,
>> Ok, I will just submit a file with changes in extension, that are not
>> found in kst2, but were found in kst1.
>> I will also mention that kst2 is now supported on windows/mac.
>> Remove parts from the draft. like dcop....
>> I will mention about scripting changes, if I understand it.
>> And yes screenshots.
>> Regards,
>> Anirudh Chauhan
>> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 9:14 PM, Brisset, Nicolas <
>> Nicolas.Brisset at eurocopter.com> wrote:
>>> HI,****
>>> ** **
>>> so I’m back online only now. I see you’ve started working on the
>>> subject, I hope you’ve been able to produce something. It seems nobody was
>>> available to answer your questions below, but I hope you will have been
>>> able to figure them out by yourself. In case you are still interested in
>>> the answers, here they are:****
>>> **1)      **Yes, you only have to edit the .docbook files****
>>> **2)      **Common tasks are a workflow-oriented description how to use
>>> kst (seen from the user perspective, a sort of quick start guide). They
>>> still make sense for kst 2.x. Scripting has changed a lot, and extensions
>>> are currently also pretty different, so just leave those chapters empty and
>>> we’ll take care of them.****
>>> ** **
>>> My hope for the result of your work (or call it priorities if you wish)
>>> would be:****
>>> **-          **Obsolete Kst 1.x parts removed (things you no longer
>>> find in kst 2.x, or which have changed significantly like extensions,
>>> plugins, scripting)****
>>> **-          **Common tasks (quick start guide) more or less complete,
>>> even though we will probably have to review it****
>>> **-          **Clear structure with the other chapters available as
>>> draft version, at least for the contents which can be reused from kst 1.x
>>> ****
>>> **-          **It would be very nice to have the new screenshots (from
>>> the homepage) included, at least for the most important UI elements. But
>>> that may be too much for the given time frame. I could open up a new task
>>> specifically for that.****
>>> ** **
>>> I hope that gives you the answers you wanted. The deadline ends in 5
>>> hours, I hope you will be able to upload your work in time on the Code-In
>>> website, or by posting it here (use svn diff, or put the results of your
>>> work in a .zip or .tar.gz file). ****
>>> ** **
>>> Nicolas****
>>> ** **
>>> *Von:* kst-bounces at kde.org [mailto:kst-bounces at kde.org] *Im Auftrag von
>>> *Anirudh Chauhan
>>> *Gesendet:* Montag, 12. Dezember 2011 18:42
>>> *An:* kst at kde.org
>>> *Betreff:* [Kst] Refresh kst documentation for kst2.x****
>>> ** **
>>> Hello,
>>> I am GCI student with the Task,
>>> http://google-melange.appspot.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2011/7120229
>>> with the task to refresh kst documentation for kst2.x,
>>> (1). I want to know, that do only .docbook files are to be edited?
>>> (2). I also noticed, that the kst2.x has various fields missing in the
>>> documentation, that are present in kst1's documentation like Common Tasks,
>>> Kst Extensions, Working with KstScript
>>> How should I proceed, about in the task, like : it wont be possible for
>>> me to add all the fields present in kst1's documentation to kst2's
>>> documentation, are there any high priority fields in documentation, that I
>>> should focus on, and then if time permits I will add other fields.
>>> Regards,
>>> Anirudh Chauhan
>>> ****
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