[Kst] Re: kst 2.0.1 problems under Linux...

Brisset, Nicolas Nicolas.Brisset at eurocopter.com
Wed Nov 17 12:40:14 CET 2010

> Could you provide a backtrace?

Here it is...


0     Kst::DataSource::vector datasource.h      82    0x00007ffff794908e

1     Kst::DataVector::_resetFieldScalars datavector.cpp    674

2     Kst::DataVector::_resetFieldMetadata     datavector.cpp    633

3     Kst::DataVector::reset  datavector.cpp    345   0x00007ffff6f44bc4

4     Kst::DataVector::change datavector.cpp    138   0x00007ffff6f42dc6

5     Kst::DataWizard::finished    datawizard.cpp    802

6     Kst::DataWizard::qt_metacall moc_datawizard.cpp      421

7     QMetaObject::metacall   qmetaobject.cpp   237   0x00007ffff589cbab

8     QMetaObject::activate   qobject.cpp 3272  0x00007ffff58b2ebb      

9     QAbstractButton::clicked     moc_qabstractbutton.cpp 206

10    QAbstractButtonPrivate::emitClicked qabstractbutton.cpp     546

11    QAbstractButtonPrivate::click qabstractbutton.cpp     539

12    QAbstractButton::mouseReleaseEvent qabstractbutton.cpp     1121

13    QWidget::event    qwidget.cpp 8200  0x00007ffff5ee5298      

14    QAbstractButton::event  qabstractbutton.cpp     1080

15    QPushButton::event      qpushbutton.cpp   683   0x00007ffff6457245

16    QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper qapplication.cpp  4445

17    QApplication::notify    qapplication.cpp  4006  0x00007ffff5e63245

18    QCoreApplication::notifyInternal   qcoreapplication.cpp    732

19    QCoreApplication::sendSpontaneousEvent   qcoreapplication.h
218      0x00007ffff5e788e5      

20    QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent qapplication.cpp  3103

...   <Mehr>                       


That's the following line:


  const QMap<QString, double> meta_scalars =


It seems that _dp->dataSource() is a null pointer... Why and how to fix,
I don't know...



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