[Kst] kst scripting beginner...

Jacques Rutschmann jk at colororange.com
Tue Jun 15 04:02:54 CEST 2010

I am having a hard time finding a good kst scripting documentation...
(besides the rather dry list of methods in the user manual).

I am trying to display a bunch of experimental data together:
kst -y 1 -y 2 -y 3 -y 4 -y 5 -y 6 -y 7 -y 8 -y 9 -y 10 -y 11  /tmp/p

# I found this example somewhere to label the x axis:
> var p0 = Kst.windows[0].plots[0];
> p0.xAxis.label = "Time";

If works fine, but I would like to label each of my plots (say -y1 is
"300 [Kelvin]"), move the labels outside the plotting area, add a
general title maybe.

How do I do this? Is there an easy kscript tutorial somewhere.
Note: I am using gnome and I do not have the java console working.

I am generating many plots automatically (with different data) and I do
not want to have to use the GUI every time.

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