[Kst] Re: OS X plugin directory for non-installed build

Ted Kisner tskisner.public at gmail.com
Fri Dec 3 01:37:48 CET 2010

Hi Folks,

On Dec 2, 2010, at 8:52 AM, Peter Kümmel wrote:
> But we can enable pkg again. Could you post a small HOWTO for using macports? That would be great.

Ok, I have successfully built and used kst2 on OS X with all datasources and plugins.  I have NOT yet delved into the steps needed to package all the library dependencies into the DMG package.  Here is what I did:

1.  Install macports (http://www.macports.org/)

2.  Install dependencies:

$> sudo port install cfitsio gsl netcdf

3.  If you want to install Qt (native aqua version) with macports:

$> sudo port install qt4-mac

4.  Install getdata-0.7.0 (I just put it in /usr/local)

5.  Edit bashrc to make it so that you don't need to install files system-wide:

# Make sure pkg-config finds getdata
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig

# Set up paths for kst development
alias kstdev=${kstpref}/bin/kst2.app/Contents/MacOS/kst2

6.  Go into your svn checkout and apply the 2 attached patches:

$> patch -p0 < ../../kst/tsk_osx_pluginsearch.patch
$> patch -p0 < ../../kst/tsk_osx_qmake.patch

7.  Build everything.  I use a tiny shell script, launched from the top source directory:


mkdir -p build
cd build
qmake ../kst.pro  -spec macx-g++ -config release
mkdir -p build/bin/kst2.app/Contents/PlugIns
cp -a build/plugin/* build/bin/kst2.app/Contents/PlugIns/

8.  Launch kst:

$> kstdev

and behold, all datasources, plugins, etc are enabled.  I have successfully used this on ASCII and Dirfile data so far...

Eventually I need to read more of the Qt deployment documentation and see how to bundle all the dependencies.  Or maybe Peter will beat me to it :-)



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