[Kst] branches/work/kst/portto4/kst

Barth Netterfield netterfield at astro.utoronto.ca
Tue Jun 16 17:50:25 CEST 2009

SVN commit 982683 by netterfield:

Update bug lists and wishlists: in particular, clarify shared axis.

 M  +75 -32    devel-docs/Kst2Specs/Bugs  
 M  +7 -0      devel-docs/Kst2Specs/FixedBugs  
 M  +8 -1      devel-docs/Kst2Specs/Wishlist  
 M  +2 -2      src/libkstapp/plotaxis.cpp  

--- branches/work/kst/portto4/kst/devel-docs/Kst2Specs/Bugs #982682:982683
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-Problem with plot range and offsets:
-Make a plot with the Y range from -0.75 to 0.4.  It goes into base/offset mode 
-and it shouldn't.
+Rounding problems in base/offset mode:
+  For extreme cases of base/offset mode there are 
+  rounding errors related to the subtraction of the base.
+  They show up in the axis labels.
@@ -15,42 +16,84 @@
-Shared axis zoom usage problem:
-Create a shared axis zoom box with multiple plots in a column.
-  -there is no option to indicate or change whether the plots are tied.
+Missing X axis and cut off right edge in tied zoom box:
+  create a tab with 6 plots in two columns
+  make all 6 X axis the same, but with 6 different Y axis
+  Create a shared axis box that encloses all 6.
-Zoom into one of them.
-  -All plots do exactly the same zoom, as if they were tied.
+There is no X axis visible.  There should be.
+The right edge of the right collumn is cut off.  It shouldn't be.
-Correct behavior:
-  -The shared axis box should have 'share X axis' and 'share Y axis' options
-   which are settable from the object dialog.
-  -If only the x axis is shared, then only the x axis is tied; if only 
-   the y axis is shared, only the y axis is tied.
-  -If axis are shared, and the plots are aligned to within 1% of the 
-   size of the top level view, then intermediate axis/labels
-   will be surpressed.
-  -If axis are shared, then they must always have exactly the same
-   range and mode.  So 'M' (autoscale) must be set to the Max/Min 
-   over all of the plots in the shared box, not each inividually.
-  -sharing one axis does not effect the behavior of the other; so:
-  -There should still be tied zoom indicators.
-  -If the tied zoom indicators are not checked, then the unshared axis
-   should behave as if they were not shared or tied.
-Creation Heuristics:
-  -If all of the plots in the creation box have the same X range, then
-   'share X axis' should be set; analogously for the Y axis.
-  -If, by the above rules, neither 'share X axis' nor 'share Y axis'
-   would be set, then 'share X axis' will be set.
-  -Upon being shared, all plots in the shared box must have the same
-   range and mode; set the range and mode to that of an arbitrary plot
-   in the shared box (eg, the first in the list).
+Shared Axis behavioral principles:
+"shared axis" means that only the bottom most (for shared X) or the
+left most (for shared Y) numbers and labels are shown.
-Note:  Many changes have already been made.  Awaiting review.
+  -If 'share [X|Y] axis' is selected, then the axis should always be shared,
+   if aligned properly
+  -If 'share [X|Y] axis' is selected, then the shared axis for all shared plots should 
+   always have the same range, regardless of alignment (unshared axis don't
+   necessairly have to be the same).
+  -All plots have a tied zoom indicator.  All plots indicated as tied will have
+   both of their axis tied, regardless if they are shared.  All plots not indicated
+   as tied will only have their axis tied if they are shared.
+------------ Bugs based on the above principles: --------------
+Selecting 'share Y axis' in shared axis box context menu does not share Y axis.
+  create a tab with 6 plots in two columns
+  make all 6 X axis ranges the same, but with different Y axis ranges.
+  Create a shared axis box that encloses all 6 plots.
+  Notice that X axis is shared and Y isn't.  This is the correct default as the Y axis were different.
+  Now, select 'share Y axis' in the context menu.
+The check box is now marked, but the Y axis aren't shared.  
+What should happen if the Y axis shared box is changed to checked:
+  -The Y axis ranges should be changed to go from the minimum Y min
+  shown to the maximum Y max shown of all of the plots in the box, and 
+  the Y axis should be shared if properly aligned.
+  -If all of the plots were in 'm' auto zoom mode, then the shared axis box will
+   be in 'm' auto zoom mode, with all plots going from the minimum Y min to
+   the maximum Y max.  Otherwise, the the shared box will be in fixed mode, 
+   again going from the current displayed minumum Y min to the current 
+   displayed maximum Y max.
+  -hitting 'm' anywhere in the shared axis box will place the shared axis box 
+   and all of its plots into 'm' maximum zoom mode.
+  -Doing a mouse zoom in any of the shared plots will do the zoom of any shared
+   axis in all of the plots, and place them all in fixed mode.
+unselecting 'share Y axis' in shared axis box context menu does not restore the separate Y axis.
+  create a tab with 6 plots in two columns
+  make all 6 X axis be the same and all 6 y axis be the same.
+  Create a shared axis box that encloses all 6.
+  Notice that both the X axis and Y axis are shared.  This is correct.
+  Now, un-select 'share Y axis' in the context menu.
+The share Y axis is no longer selected, but Y separeate Y axis are not
+restored.  They should be.  Note: the Y ranges are no longer tied, even
+though the axis are still shared.
+There is no tied zoom indicator for plots in a shared axis box.
+There should be.  Its behavior is as follows:
+  For axis that are selected to be shared:
+    -If any of the plots inside the shared axis box are tied to any plots outside the 
+     shared axis box, then the shared axis for all plots in the shared axis box will
+     be tied to the tied plots outside.
+  For axis that are *not* selected to be shared:
+    -The tied zoom for the *unshared* axis behaves exactly as it would if the plot 
+     were not in a shared axis box.
 Bugs Reported by D.V. Wiebe
--- branches/work/kst/portto4/kst/devel-docs/Kst2Specs/FixedBugs #982682:982683
@@ -779,3 +779,10 @@
 is live, and the button clears the selection.  There is no way to combine the options.
   Better: a file text entry and a regexp text entry, an apply filters button, and an 'and/or' radio pair.
+Problem with plot range and offsets:
+Make a plot with the Y range from -0.75 to 0.4.  It goes into base/offset mode 
+and it shouldn't.
\ No newline at end of file
--- branches/work/kst/portto4/kst/devel-docs/Kst2Specs/Wishlist #982682:982683
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 When a new plot is added to an tab which already has plots in it (eg, from the Placement widget), then the label font sizes should be based on the label font sizes of the plots already in the tab.  (either 'vote' or use the first one).
 All font properties replicated.  Use the first one.
@@ -33,3 +32,11 @@
 Printing from the command line.  This existed in 1.x
+Scientific notation for extreme axis numbers
+Edit multiple for all view objects.  The highest priority is legends.
--- branches/work/kst/portto4/kst/src/libkstapp/plotaxis.cpp #982682:982683
@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@
       if (nextTick > max)
       ticks << nextTick;
-      // FILL_PRECISION - 2 because round off errors mean you never actually quite get
+      // FULL_PRECISION - 2 because round off errors mean you never actually quite get
       // full precision...
       labels.insert(nextTick, QString::number(nextTick, 'g', FULL_PRECISION-2));
@@ -893,7 +893,7 @@
       if (_axisInterpret) {
         offset = interpretOffset(_axisInterpretation, _axisDisplay, base, i.key());
       } else {
-        offset = i.key() - base; // FIX round off error for base/offet mode here
+        offset = i.key() - base; // FIXME FIX round off error for base/offet mode here
       QString label;
       if (offset < 0) {

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