[Kst] www/areas/extragear/apps/kst/kstscript/docs

Andrew Walker arwalker at sumusltd.com
Tue Feb 24 20:27:37 CET 2009

SVN commit 931098 by arwalker:

update DataVector kstScript documentation

 M  +8 -8      DataVector.html  

--- trunk/www/areas/extragear/apps/kst/kstscript/docs/DataVector.html #931097:931098
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
         Inherits: <a class="link" href="Vector.html">Vector</a><br>
 <br><span class="title">Constructors:</span><ul>
-<a class="link" href="#constructor_1">DataVector</a> ( source, field [, start [, n [, skip [, ave]]]] )<br><a class="link" href="#constructor_2">DataVector</a> ( source, field, typeStart, r, typeCount, count [, skip [, ave]] )<br>
+<a class="link" href="#constructor_1">DataVector</a> ( source, field [, start [, n [, skip [, ave]]]] )<br><a class="link" href="#constructor_2">DataVector</a> ( source, field, typeStart, start, typeCount, count [, skip [, ave]] )<br>
 <span class="title">Methods:</span><ul>
-<a class="link" href="#method_reload">reload</a> (  )<br><a class="link" href="#method_changeFile">changeFile</a> ( source )<br><a class="link" href="#method_changeFrames">changeFrames</a> ( start, count [, skip [, ave]] )<br><a class="link" href="#method_changeFramesByTime">changeFramesByTime</a> ( typeStart, r, typeCount, count [, skip [, ave]] )<br>
+<a class="link" href="#method_reload">reload</a> (  )<br><a class="link" href="#method_changeFile">changeFile</a> ( source )<br><a class="link" href="#method_changeFrames">changeFrames</a> ( start, count [, skip [, ave]] )<br><a class="link" href="#method_changeFramesByTime">changeFramesByTime</a> ( typeStart, start, typeCount, count [, skip [, ave]] )<br>
 <span class="title">Properties:</span><ul>
 <a class="link" href="#property_valid">valid</a><br><a class="link" href="#property_skip">skip</a><br><a class="link" href="#property_boxcar">boxcar</a><br><a class="link" href="#property_readToEnd">readToEnd</a><br><a class="link" href="#property_countFromEnd">countFromEnd</a><br><a class="link" href="#property_skipLength">skipLength</a><br><a class="link" href="#property_startFrame">startFrame</a><br><a class="link" href="#property_startFrameRequested">startFrameRequested</a><br><a class="link" href="#property_frames">frames</a><br><a class="link" href="#property_framesRequested">framesRequested</a><br><a class="link" href="#property_samplesPerFrame">samplesPerFrame</a><br><a class="link" href="#property_field">field</a><br><a class="link" href="#property_dataSource">dataSource</a><br>
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
-<br><br><span class="subTitle"><a name="constructor_2"></a><b>DataVector ( <a class="link" href="DataSource.html">DataSource</a> source, string field, string typeStart, <a class="link" href="numbe.html">numbe</a> r, string typeCount, number count [, number skip [, boolean ave]] )</b></span><br><ul>
+<br><br><span class="subTitle"><a name="constructor_2"></a><b>DataVector ( <a class="link" href="DataSource.html">DataSource</a> source, string field, string typeStart, number start, string typeCount, number count [, number skip [, boolean ave]] )</b></span><br><ul>
 <div class="parameters">
 <a class="link" href="DataSource.html">DataSource</a> <b>source</b> - 
       The DataSource to load data from.  This may be
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@
                     If the year is less than 0, then it is assumed to be given relative to 1970 (e.g. -10 becomes 1980), else if the year is less than 100 it is assumed to be relative to 2000 (e.g. 9 becomes 2009), else the year is taken as given.
-      <br><a class="link" href="numbe.html">numbe</a> <b>r</b> - 
-      |string start The starting frame, date, or time offset.
+      <br>number <b>start</b> - 
+      The starting frame, date (a string argument), or time offset.
       <br>string <b>typeCount</b> - 
       The type of the value specifying the count
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
-<br><br><span class="subTitle"><a name="method_changeFramesByTime"></a><b>void changeFramesByTime ( string typeStart, <a class="link" href="numbe.html">numbe</a> r, string typeCount, number count [, number skip [, boolean ave]] )</b></span><br><ul>
+<br><br><span class="subTitle"><a name="method_changeFramesByTime"></a><b>void changeFramesByTime ( string typeStart, number start, string typeCount, number count [, number skip [, boolean ave]] )</b></span><br><ul>
 <div class="parameters">string <b>typeStart</b> - 
       The type of the value specifying the start position.
                     The permissible values are as follows:
@@ -179,8 +179,8 @@
                     If the year is less than 0, then it is assumed to be given relative to 1970 (e.g. -10 becomes 1980), else if the year is less than 100 it is assumed to be relative to 2000 (e.g. 9 becomes 2009), else the year is taken as given.
-      <br><a class="link" href="numbe.html">numbe</a> <b>r</b> - 
-      |string start The starting frame, date, or time offset.
+      <br>number <b>start</b> - 
+      The starting frame, date (a string argument), or time offset.
       <br>string <b>typeCount</b> - 
       The type of the value specifying the count

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