[Kst] The stand-alone GetData and kst

Andrew Walker arwalker at sumusltd.com
Fri Oct 24 01:21:08 CEST 2008

I would prefer to see A1c.

There shouldn't be anything but crtical changes going into the 1.x branch
as the launch of Planck is rapidly approaching and its primary requirement
to handle LFI data from that experiment.

Also, any changes that are made in the 1.x branch should only be done
a corresponding bug report so that we can trace all code changes made.


-----Original Message-----
From: D. V. Wiebe [mailto:dvw at ketiltrout.net]
Sent: October 23, 2008 3:52 PM
To: kst at kde.org
Subject: Re: [Kst] The stand-alone GetData and kst

On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 07:38:52PM -0400, D. V. Wiebe wrote:
> I've released a stand-alone version of the C GetData library, available
> from SourceForge:
> http://getdata.sourceforge.net/
> My plan (in consultation with Barth) is to replace the getdata code
> (getdata.c &c.) in the kst-2.x tree with an external dependency on this
> stand-alone library, like many of the kst data sources are.  I will
> begin the job of incorporating these changes into the kst-2.x tree soon
> (one we're certain the GetData release is reasonably useable.)
> Having a stand-alone GetData library is necessary to address the
> multiple forks of GetData which have developed at the various
> experimental collaborations which use GetData for quick-look and data
> analysis.
> My questions for the kst developers are these:
> Q1:  Should an external dependency to this stand-alone version of GetData
>      replace the getdata library in the kst-1.x tree as well?  I see three
>      possible answers to this question, none of which I'm particularly
>      unhappy with:
> A1a: Yes.
> A1b: No, but the source code for the new GetData release should be
>      copied into the kst-1.x tree.
> A1c: No, but bug-fixes made in the new GetData release should be
>      back-ported to the kst-1.x tree.

Well, since no-one has expressed an opinion on this, I'm going to go
with A1a, since it's the easiest for me, in terms of both fixing the
current GetData included in 1.x,  and keeping the 1.x branch current
with Dirfile Standards and GetData bugfixes.

Barth has begun porting kst-2.x to the same stand-alone GetData library,
as well.

Don Wiebe                                   dwiebe at physics.utoronto.ca
Dept. of Physics/Univ. of Toronto
60 St. George St.                           Tele: +1-416-946-0946
Toronto ON                                  Fax:  +1-416-946-5636
Canada   M5S 1A7                            http://ketiltrout.net/

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